Howdy Y'all from TX


In the Brooder
May 28, 2017
I'm a reformed city boy who now enjoys life on a 41 acre farm. My wife, daughter and I have a growing flock of 32 chickens (its hard for me to count the 4 silkies as chickens, they're more entertainment), a pig, bees and soon sheep!

We raised out hens from hatchlings and now they enjoy free ranging on over an acre of pasture.

I've been lurking here for a long time, now i figured I'd join and contribute. I've learned a lot over the past 7 months.
Bout time!
Welcome to BYC!

What breeds do you raise?
right now our large flock is americauna's, wyandottes and buff orpingtons (free range on an acre of pasture)

our "little girls" are 2 barred rocks, 2 koshens and 1 frizzle (backyard chickens)

and the babies are a mix of silkies (entertainment chickens) and faverelles (and one other which the name slips my mind). They also reside in our backyard.

my wife wants a lot more breeds.....
Chicken Math is real. ;)

How have you been doing with keeping predators away?
Not problems yet?

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