Howdy y'all!


10 Years
Sep 2, 2009
Hey everyone! My name is Michaela and I am from Dallas, Texas.... I have not purchased any chickens yet but am doing all the necessary research and planning to have everything ready for them come spring time next year. I can't wait to meet everyone and learn how to spoil my chickens.

I currently keep : 2 dogs, 1 cat, 10 aquatic turtles (various species indoors), a lizard and lots of plants. I call it my little zoo! Oh and of course my gorgeous 5 month old son, Rowan!
from Lutz,FL
Hehe thank you for the warm welcome! Yeah Michaela is a very unique name and I haven't met a Michaela yet I didnt' like
Hi! from Sherman - just north of you. When you get around to getting some chicks and if you want to know the name of a local breeder, let me know. I bought mine from a woman in Justin (around Denton) and they are all very healthy. A bit more expensive, but I only wanted pullets and I could pick out whichever ones I wanted. Good luck!


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