Howmuch snow ya got?

Huge drift!

Yeah... that is why I greatly prefer raised coops, or raised doors... or sheltered doors... well... anything that helps reduce shoveling.
Haha! Yeah. My main coop is raised, but I keep my ducks and quail in this shed.
This is part of the inside of it, it's the only recent pic I have. I just re-organized the whole inside.

You can see the couple pens.
We've got about a foot. Had some, it melted a little, got some more, and then it froze.
Entire barnyard is a skating rink. :th
Lotta snow there too!
You're in Alaska though, lol.
My dad went to Fairbanks a couple times. Is that near you at all? Alaska is beautiful.
I think Fairbanks is 12... or 18 hours drive from my house... so not that close.

:lau But at least there is a road from my place to Fairbanks.
We've got about a foot. Had some, it melted a little, got some more, and then it froze.
Entire barnyard is a skating rink. :th
Haha! Same with the skating rink! It's so icy out there. Even the dogs slip of they're running.
I think Fairbanks is 12... or 18 hours drive from my house... so not that close.

:lau But at least there is a road from my place to Fairbanks.
Oh, wow 😂
I knew Alaska was big but I didmt realize it was that far.... Lol
Yeah, dad flew by private float planes 😂

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