Howmuch snow ya got?

I learned long ago that nordic ski season is Xmas to V-Day.
Glad I can't ski anymore because the conditions have stunk for the past few years.
He would agree that the skiing conditions have stunk.

I don't dare let him see your pictures, @Alaskan. He keeps trying to talk me into moving to Alaska. Every time I say, "No, hell no, and FN hell no," when he mentions moving up there.

Lost a lot of what snow was left today. Rain tonight, and there should be almost nothing left of the shoveling piles in a day or two.
A bunch of wind.... my multiple hours of plowing are disapearing...

I should probably plow tonight... but I think I will wait until morning... hopefully the wind will be done by then.
I know this is old, but I just gotta add, we got zero millimeters.I envy you guys who got sumthin that stuck!
My father growing up thought that snow was a Yankee conspiracy... or maybe just soot from Yankee factories... so just a yankee land thing.

He never saw any snow as a child.

He grew up in New Orleans and south Texas.
I've seen it, not aqainted Though!

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