Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

Here are the newest chicks!

Terry, i always have chicks in spring! So just let me know when your ready and ill hatch some out for you! If you dont want chicks, ill have older birds as well. I normaly keep chick till their about 6 months and just starting to lay and then sell the extra chickens i dont dont have room for lol.
Here are the newest chicks!

Terry, i always have chicks in spring! So just let me know when your ready and ill hatch some out for you! If you dont want chicks, ill have older birds as well. I normaly keep chick till their about 6 months and just starting to lay and then sell the extra chickens i dont dont have room for lol.
SO stinkin' cute Lexi! What breed(s) are they?
Thanks, Lexi, when the time comes, I may well take you up on that! I have quite a while to wait though, and here I am lining up my chick pickup already LOL.

I would get them tomorrow if I could, but I have a lot of projects I have to get done over the next 6 months first that are going to take a ton of my time. I just started painting the entire exterior of my house, I hope to be finished by Fall. Last summer I gutted, scrubbed, and painted the entire interior of my barn after some serious damage from a colony of flying squirrels who moved in the previous winter. I spent last winter doing a lot of interior painting. I'm too cheap to hire someone to do it all, and I'm also really picky about painting, so I'd rather do it myself.

On top of that, we're 3/4 of the way through having a new roof put on our house, so not much $ left after that to hire someone anyhow. My house is a construction zone mess this summer. After this summer I should be able to relax for awhile though, no more big projects or maintenance for a long time, hopefully.

Of course, you know the reason we are having the rainiest spring on record is because our roofer started our job the first week of May
Thankfully he's completing each section in full before tearing off the next so we've been weather-tight so far.

So I keep telling hubs that my reward for all of this hard work the past 2 summers is I finally want chickens next spring. He's not arguing

After the house painting is all done, I hope to spend this fall getting the coop setup ready, but that will be fun stuff in comparison.
Wow sounds like you got alot going on right now!
Sorry about your barn! I had multiple fly squirrels as pets awhile back. They love to rip things up. Theu would do a number on the 6ft cages we had, i can imagen the damage they would do to a barn.But sure are cute little buggers!
My yard is full of water! I cant walk outside with out my feet getting chickens look miserable..but the ducks on the other hand, are having a blast! Elvis has been sitting on his stump all day, in the wind and rain! It really fun to watch him sit up there and tell his girls what to do!


I cant wait to see your coop when its all completed, Terry. You'll love having chickens!!!
Hi everyone! I've been so busy with outside stuff and schoolwork that I've managed to disappear once again. The sheep that I was boarding got really sick last week and, after tons of extra care and attention and no improvement, her owner decided to put her down. Of course I was pretty upset and though I knew better I couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible since I was her primary caregiver. Really, I took very good care of her, she was just very old.
Anyway, the girls are doing great! Actually, at least one of the girls appears to be a boy so I guess I should say the chickens are doing great! Everyone is out in the coop now and getting along just fine. YAY, no more chickens in the house!! lol Everyone is free range now, even the little guys. Lately (because of the rain) they've been hanging out in my horse barn during the day and going back in the coop at night. I love that they are so easy to take care of! I was so worried that I'd have to go chicken hunting and collect everyone to go in the coop for the night. Even the little guys have figured it out. ((Such a proud chicken Mama))
I hope everyone is well. I read some posts but there are too many for me to catch up right now.
Morning all, everything fine here and so glad this rain has moved out. Hopefully my roofer will get a lot done today and tomorrow. Glad everyone's chicken's are not swimming!

Serenity, having an open horse barn handy for your chickens to wander in sounds like a really nice setup. Glad they're all returning to the coop together.

There are so many really interesting threads I'm finding all over BYC that I could end up reading all night. Things like winter housing, predators, wow so much info.

Everyone have a great day! --Terry
It was such a beautiful day out today!! The sunshined for almost half the day lol!
Terry, hope your roofer got alot done today!! Tomorrow it is going to he pretty nice here, hope its the same for you!

2 of my dogs enjoying the sun! They hate going out in the today they spent mostof the day sunbathing!
Good Evening Everybody~

Hope it was a great day! It was really nice to see the sun, wasn't it?
Spent the day puttering...haircut & errands, laundry, put fresh hay down in the mud...I mean *coop! Weeded the gardens, etc. I could get used to having every Friday off!

Lexi; Your dogs look happy to be outside. It was a rough, wet week for all the critters. I think my schnauzer would let his bladder explode before going out in the rain. Needless to say, the dogs and the chickens were very happy to be outside. The big girls and the orpingtons are tolerating each other a little better. They're still not warm & fuzzy but at least the girls don't chase them away anymore. I advised them to change their attitude or Mr. Blue the Roo won't wine and dine them properly.

Serenity ~I was just thinking about you the other day. Nice to see you!! Sorry about the sheep. No doubt you took excellent care of her! How old was she?

Terry~ I hope your roofer made some good progress today! DH noticed a leak near our family room door last night. He went outside to clean out the gutters but said he thinks the roof needs to be replaced. OH the joy... EE's cross beak is sooo bad. She let me hold her for the first time yesterday and I noticed she's really thin. I'm going to try feeding her some (meat) baby food and see if she gains some weight. Any other suggestions???

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