Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

Nice to e-meet you Terry~

We got our chickens in March. We have 13 various breeds. So far it has been a lot of fun. The predator possibilities are pretty scary, though. Do you actually see bears on your property? We've heard coyotes and owls in the woods and I'm sure fox, coyotes and raccoons lurk at night, but I haven't seen any evidence near the coop although a skunk sprayed at something early Monday morning..(so glad it wasn't the dogs!) Deer are just a given around here, of course, and hawks are always hovering but so far nothing has taken any of our chickens. The dogs may help deter the hawks when the chickens are out free-ranging otherwise they're locked up in their run while we're at work. We live in New Windsor so the area is fairly developed except for the woods behind our house and across the road from us which is Stewart Airport's buffer property.
Oh, I cannot even begin to count how often I see bears here in Phoenicia. It's like the bear capital of NY. Conspiracy theories abound that NJ forest rangers deposit their nuisance bears up here.

I just saw a large male 3 days ago walk across my front lawn, down through my apple orchard, and into the village to raid the pizza parlor dumpster. Bears come on our front porch all the time, one came up to our screened door one summer morning while we were eating breakfast - must have smelled the bacon. They walk past our patio doors while we're watching TV. I see them often on my early morning runs before work, getting into people's garbage cans. Once even climbed into my car while it was parked in my driveway in the middle of the day, I had the windows down and had just run into the house for 10 minutes to drop off mail and go back out, he was literally sitting in the driver's seat leaning out the side window looking at me while I screamed at him to get off my leather upholstery. Too bad I was too upset to think to take a video or I could have sold it to Volkswagon. I could go on, but you get the picture. They are destructive and tore apart a bluebird house I had been watching all spring one year, just about when the babies were to fledge. So I worry that they'll break into my chicken coop once it is occupied. My only hope is that the smell of my dog and the 7 foot fence will keep them out of my fenced backyard, so far it has, they steer clear of that area.

I also regularly see coyote, fisher, fox, owls, hawks, bald eagles, and even a bobcat on my land. It is very wild, deep forest in this part of the Catskills and I have no neighbors within sight, even though I can walk into the village from here. A coyote took my cat 4 years ago, I don't let my current 2 cats outdoors now. I would bet you have a lot of coyotes too where you are, esp. if you are backed up to those woods by Stewart.
Iv seen black bears here in Highland! I havnt seen any in awhile tho.last one i saw was last year, crossing the road by my house...i live right infront of a 300 acre hunting preserve, so we have tons of deer,coyotes,fox and turkeys.
We have 3 American Pitbulls that are great at keeping animals away from the chickens!
Im sure the bears will stay out of the fenced yard sense you have a could always run electric fencing around the coop!
I've seen a couple of bears since moving to OC in 2003 but nothing recently, although my husband did see a muddy bear claw print in the road in front of our house last year so I'm sure they're lurking around. My bada$$ mini schnauzer and dumba$$ cockapoo must scare them away! lol But seriously...a bear getting into your car and passing by your door to see what's for breakfast is incredible!! What do you do when you see one on your morning run? Run like hell, I hope!! I think I know where you live. It is densely wooded. I'm not surprised you have a lot of predators. We pass through Phonecia and Margaretville (we stop @ the IGA for beer, Summerfield's for lunch/pre-drinking drinks and to borrow their little Mexican man statue..long story!) on the way to a friend's vacation home in Andes for our annual Girls Weekend. Did you have a lot of damage from that hurricane 2 years ago? We were up there a couple of weeks after that storm and couldn't believe the destruction. It was terrible. On last year's trek it was nice to see things getting back to normal. We took our son on that antique train ride last year too. It's a really pretty area!
What do you do when you see one on your morning run? Run like hell, I hope!!I think I know where you live. It is densely wooded. I'm not surprised you have a lot of predators. We pass through Phonecia and Margaretville (we stop @ the IGA for beer, Summerfield's for lunch/pre-drinking drinks and to borrow their little Mexican man statue..long story!) on the way to a friend's vacation home in Andes for our annual Girls Weekend. Did you have a lot of damage from that hurricane 2 years ago? We were up there a couple of weeks after that storm and couldn't believe the destruction. It was terrible. On last year's trek it was nice to see things getting back to normal. We took our son on that antique train ride last year too. It's a really pretty area!
When I see a bear near me, I stand my ground and wave my arms and yell at them, and they always run or walk away - you don't want to act like prey. A mom and cubs, however, I'll just stand still and be quiet and show no threat and make sure I'm not in between her and her cubs, until she walks away.

We were lucky for Hurricane Irene in that we're located up a mountainside on the edge of the village on high ground, so no damage or flooding at all on my property. But a lot of my neighbors in town suffered, but not nearly the amount of damage other areas like Margaretville or Prattsville had. Yes, recovery was amazing, and Phoenicia is pretty much back to normal and busier than ever with tourists this year.

We had absolutely no damage from Sandy though, not even a branch down, I guess the mountains shielded us, I know it was different just in southern Ulster County than from us though. And my extended family in NJ had a lot of property damage of course.
Ya know....I grew up in southern Westchester County - the most wildlife I ever saw were squirrels!! When I moved to northern Westchester seeing an occasional deer was amusing. Now I'm an OC Girl and I have chickens...and worry about bears, fox, coyote, weasels (don't think those are a problem for us..(yet) skunks, raccoons, hawks...oh MY !!!
We have 3 American Pitbulls that are great at keeping animals away from the chickens!
Im sure the bears will stay out of the fenced yard sense you have a could always run electric fencing around the coop!
Here is a pic of our fenced backyard and coop area. Critiques welcome. Fence is 1/2 in welded wire over the wood rails and goes up to 7 ft, bottom of wire is buried about 2-3 inches.I know I need to build an attached covered run, to keep my dog separated when he's out there, if nothing else. It is going to be a pain to build a secure wire run on this sloping ground though.

Here’s a close-up of our 7’ x 8’ coop when it was first built around 2004. Hubs insisted on using the 4 existing tree stumps as piers since they happened to fit the floor deck perfectly, once he leveled and sealed them. Before assembling, I insulated the underside of the floor deck with rigid foam in between the joists and stapled 1/4 in hardware cloth over that to keep weasels out. I never finished insulating the rest of the coop, and not sure I need to. I'm wondering if I need to add more screened vents in the gables, or if the existing 3 windows, which open out, plus the small round gable vents are enough for 12 hens. I also need to add nest boxes and roosts.

Holy crap! That coop is too cute!!! It looks great! I dont think you need more vents.. Thoes windows will be fine. My coop isnt inulated..if you plan on having 12 chickens, they will make enough body heat to keep it warm.
Your property is beautiful, might i add!
Oh, thanks for the compliemnts! The property looked pretty rough when we first built there but after 14 years of cleaning up the woods and yard and landscaping, it is looking much more settled now. The grass has come in nicely too.

I'm glad I have enough ventilation, that will save some work. I'm hoping to free-range the girls in this fenced yard when the dog is not out there, but I'm wondering if hawks will be a problem.

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