It sounds like a good change. Unlike some changes that you can believe in that you really can't, this one sounds like a very workable one.

The only thing I would like to see get to be a simplier way is the My Page creation. The tutorial we presently have is just not complete enough. It move to fast with just not enough information provided. At least for me it's been an impossible situation. Maybe I'm just to old to understand.

You do have a fantastic site here. Very easy to move around in and very fast.


Nifty and company, You are AMAZING. What a mammoth project! (and what an inspired house/family analogy in your initial post - paints the picture so clearly!). The current BYC site in wonderful and no doubt the new one even more wonderful. Thank you for your absolutely extraordinary efforts.

While I know how to post pics on the current site (easy once you know), to read that the new site will allow a quicker/easier way is fabulous, especially for the uninitiated who might have an urgent problem to relay, the most difficult time to be trying to learn how to post pics.

One tiny thing comes to mind that maybe the new site is taking care of. As far as I know, when one replied in a thread on the current site, all additional replies by anyone to that thread triggered the cute little yellow chick to alert that a new response has been made to that thread. Sometimes over the course of days, weeks, months (years!) the thread strays off topic or keeps going well after problem solved and one might no longer want to be alerted to new posts in that thread, but cannot resist the little yellow chick that won't go away until that thread is reopened and then closed. Wondered whether there could be a way to turn off alerts for threads one is no longer wanting notification about. (this is all different than subscribing/unsuscribing, in case I am not explaining very well).... Anyway, not very important, but just a little something that might be nice at some point since the site is being revised....I might have missed something about this in the 20 pages of this thread, in which case my apologies for the duplication!

Thanks again - it has been invaluable to have the good company - great company - of fellow BYCers in helping to noodle through problems, and in sharing both good news and the impossible heartache that only those who understand how special our feathered friends are can possibly comprehend.

Forever grateful, JJ
It sounds good, I'm looking forward to it. What's the underlying platform, vBulletin, xenforo, or another?

One thing to keep an eye on. "the feature that we can "thumbs-up" (similar to "Like") forum posts" I'm on two other forums with "likes". In one case it has no real impact other than making the place a bit more friendly and interactive. In the other, it is both great and very controversial, because the combination of post counts and likes is linked to "status" levels. That does encourage much more participation, and people develop a lot of friendships and a sense of community. However, a small percentage of people (very small percentage, but it is noticeable and has an impact) get obsessed and do massive post runs (mostly in the joke/game or random ramblings type of sections) just to achieve high counts.

That forum also has a very nice feature, "alerts" where you get a little link on the menu bar to show you alerts- you can select what alerts you want, but main ones are when you receive "likes" or, much more important, when someone quotes you. The later is great, because if you post in a thread that you haven't subscribed to, you know right away if someone answers you directly or comments on what you wrote, and you can click the alert and go straight to that post. It helps keep discussions fresh and on track.
It looks okay (hard to tell from a picture, and I'm no good on change) but what concerns me is the advertisments. Are they bandwith friendly? I have limited bandwith due to having sattelite internet and the adverts I saw on the sample page looks to include video (bandwith killer). BYC is one of few sites I don't have to worry about eating bandwith as long as I'm careful with the pictures on the posts.

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