
Looks like you've really been preparing thoroughly for every eventuality. This should be great.
Nifty, to most of us it will be a new webpage and techno gadgets but I bet there is a ton of time and effort going into this that someone like me has no idea. Thanks for the great site and the new one.
It is not just about slow connections but also those of us with satellite internet where download allowances are in place may have problems. My blog and my husband's online activity already cause usage overages for which we have to pay $12.00 per day to reverse. I am hoping I will still be able to check in from time to time though.
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Fastest browser on the new site is Chrome.

I use Rockmelt and it's fairly fast.

I tried IE9 and it was VERY SLOW.

I hear Firefox is fairly fast.

I was able to remove all of the adds from the sandbox and make it look much like it looks here, but it has all of those wonderful added features.
(The spell check thing is no biggie for me because Rockmelt and Chrome already have it)

Took me a while to figure out where my uploads were, BUT posting pics now will be SO MUCH EASIER! Amazing!

I think that within a couple of months we'll all have it down and we'll wonder how we ever lived without it.

So grateful that Nifty is forward thinking and making it all so much nicer for us.

Posts will be extremely colorful now... can't wait.

I've got my bator all warmed up and ready for eggs on Wednesday too!

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