Huge watery crop after abdominal drainage, please help!


Feb 1, 2023
My 3 year old hen recently went to the vet for reproductive issues. She had swelling in her abdomen which was drained and she seemed in much better spirits. So much better that she finally ate after 2 months of not eating much at all.

However I noticed that two days after her drainage she was sluggish again, her crop was full in the morning. I understand reproductive issues can cause crop issues and I don’t think it’s sour crop or impacted crop. Her crop feels like a normal crop, not too squishy like water and not hard as a rock like impaction. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? Do crop massages work? Olive oil? I’m really grabbing at straws here because she seemed ok only for two days but has crop issues again!

(Updates farther in thread)
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An update to anyone who may have answers: I had just gotten home from a trip to find her so lethargic she couldn’t even jump into the coop. Her crop is huge and filled with water. Even when I hold her it pushes out and she tilts her head up to drink back any fluid that she “vomited” from me holding her. Is this sour crop? Only a day ago was it still firm but now I can tell all she’s drank today was water.

I know she had been previously been struggling with an overgrowth of gram negative bacteria in her crop which she had been prescribed antibiotics for (she stopped for 2 days, promptly I had put her back on it). Is there anything I can do to help her right now?

If I fast her should I also withhold water? I’m so scared for my baby, she seems so weak!
I would not withhold water. As LaFleche posted, there could be an electrolyte imbalance after draining ascites fluid. Never withhold water, and go ahead and offer some electrolyte water. Hens with reproductive disorders or infection, or ascites, can have pressure in the abdomen that may slow down digestion which can slow the crop from emptying.
My 3 year old hen recently went to the vet for reproductive issues. She had swelling in her abdomen which was drained and she seemed in much better spirits. So much better that she finally ate after 2 months of not eating much at all.

However I noticed that two days after her drainage she was sluggish again, her crop was full in the morning. I understand reproductive issues can cause crop issues and I don’t think it’s sour crop or impacted crop. Her crop feels like a normal crop, not too squishy like water and not hard as a rock like impaction. Does anyone have any ideas on what to do? Do crop massages work? Olive oil? I’m really grabbing at straws here because she seemed ok only for two days but has crop issues again!

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I know she had been previously been struggling with an overgrowth of gram negative bacteria in her crop which she had been prescribed antibiotics for (she stopped for 2 days, promptly I had put her back on it).
If you have vet care, consult your vet. Sounds like the crop may have developed a yeast infection as well.
I would not withhold water. As LaFleche posted, there could be an electrolyte imbalance after draining ascites fluid. Never withhold water, and go ahead and offer some electrolyte water. Hens with reproductive disorders or infection, or ascites, can have pressure in the abdomen that may slow down digestion which can slow the crop from emptying.
I’m confused only because she was drained recently, therefore getting rid of any previous pressure. She was extremely perky and running around right after her drainage and now a few days post drainage and post getting off of antibiotics, she’s having crop issues that now seem unrelated to that because she’s already been drained. I heard getting off of antibiotics or long term antibiotics can cause sour crop, is this true? She was taking amoxicillin
If you have vet care, consult your vet. Sounds like the crop may have developed a yeast infection as well.
I have gone to my vet multiple times and everytime it seems like the answer is wrong. Went to the vet originally for crop issues and running feces. thought it was bacteria (I have no doubt this may also have been an issue), was given antibiotics, turns out it was a reproductive issue causing swelling, she was drained. She seemed ok now she’s back to having crop issues. I feel at a loss I’ve spent over 500 dollars trying to find the answer for a cycling problem I’m so confused about
I’m confused only because she was drained recently, therefore getting rid of any previous pressure. She was extremely perky and running around right after her drainage and now a few days post drainage and post getting off of antibiotics, she’s having crop issues that now seem unrelated to that because she’s already been drained. I heard getting off of antibiotics or long term antibiotics can cause sour crop, is this true? She was taking amoxicillin

I have gone to my vet multiple times and everytime it seems like the answer is wrong. Went to the vet originally for crop issues and running feces. thought it was bacteria (I have no doubt this may also have been an issue), was given antibiotics, turns out it was a reproductive issue causing swelling, she was drained. She seemed ok now she’s back to having crop issues. I feel at a loss I’ve spent over 500 dollars trying to find the answer for a cycling problem I’m so confused about
Despite all your best efforts and the huge amount of money spent to safe her, she is in bad condition again only a few days after her drainage and despite all the medication.

All this makes me think that she is reaching the end of her life and she might be in need of assistance to end the suffering.

Sadly, especially high performance laying hybrids are prone to reproductive disorders and cancer and when the time comes that the bird no longer has a quality of life it is an act of mercy to help them out if their misery.

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