Human behaviours and chicken watching...

Being a new mum myself, my older bantam Lolly follows me through the garden to the swimming pool. Olivia the 13 week old has started following her. They come with me to clean the filter then back up the stairs where they dig in the garden on the other side of the pool fence. I sit in the pool with a cup of tea and watch them. When I put the cup of tea on the edge of the pool to go for a paddle, Lolly came and drank out of the cup. I always explain to them what I'm doing with the pool, how I'm fixing the filter then when I'm done I call them to follow me up to the path that leads to the house. I think my neighbours think I'm nuts but they have heard me having conversations with my dog who I'm sure understands everything I say
Heh heh--certifiable here too, no doubt. Mine know they can always suck me into digging worms for them if they follow me around and cheep long enough. So my chickens and I are all out there, scratching around in the garden together.

I can picture this perfectly, because we also have tiny little kiddy chairs around the garden, and that is where I like to have my coffee too.
I can picture this perfectly, because we also have tiny little kiddy chairs around the garden, and that is where I like to have my coffee too.

crazy huh?! knees up around the ears and getting back up is tricky! but those little chairs are so handy!
Chicken watching is healthy relaxing pastime. My favorite is some old grapes that have wrinkled a bit, and pick the off one at a time and bounce them around for the girls to chase, Good times. Yes I have a couple of plastic chairs for chicken watching.
And, have you noticed that you take almost as many pix of the chicks as you do the grandkids, and then show them to anyone who will look at them? I catch myself saying to people "You'll never guess what those darned chickens did now!" Yes, we're all certifiable.
I really started worrying about myself when I stopped playing online videogames because I spend so much time with my chickens. Now that it's getting darker earlier, I'm bitter that on most workdays, I miss them altogether.

All the stress drains out of me when I watch my flock...

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