Cindy sat bolt upright. School started tomorrow, if there was a country school version of Niki she would scream. She wasn’t sure she could handle many more of these terror nights. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her red hair was slick with sweat and looked almost brown
she came out the shower and put some jeans and a t-shirt the usual and socks, hopping over to the door she pulled on her boots and made sure to pick the patch of floor to jump on, she bounced on it causing it to rattle and all the dust to fall on Anthony’s head. She giggled and continued down the stairs and out the door to a paddock
Laura sauntered along the road to school.
Cindy swung on Cinnamon, her school was a mufti so she wore her jeans and top and cantered along the road veering sharply to avoid hitting Laura. Cinnamon banged his hoof hard against the storm drain Cindy dropped to the ground and checked his hoof, “good boy, you’ve thrown a shoe” she said huffing

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