Millie raised her fists now. She was about to slug Cleapatra in the stomach when the old bus driver turned around. " 'EY THERE. YOU! GIRL IN THE BLOND CURLY HAIR!" Millie snapped her head to look at the bus driver. "MILLIE, RIGHT? WELL YOU MISS HAVE A DETENTION FOR THREATENING ANOTHER STUDENT!" Millie sank down into her seat again, near tears. Oh, what would her parents think?
She comforted Jimmy, pulling him back into her lap. "We'll get a new car" She told him.
(Here lies Mllie.)
River stared down at the girl, a smirk still smeared on her face. "Now, do I have your attention? Why'd you bully Isabelle? The kid never did anything to you."
“You don’t know that” Olivia snarled “she was always miss Popular and I was the quiet kid, she bullied me so I bullied her”. (Issy didn’t bully her and Issy was never popular, Olivia just wants River in her side)
“You don’t know that” Olivia snarled “she was always miss Popular and I was the quiet kid, she bullied me so I bullied her”. (Issy didn’t bully her and Issy was never popular, Olivia just wants River in her side)
River crouched beside her. "Liar." She hissed. "Ya'know, I was the bullied one once, and I can recognize a bully from a bullied. And lying to someone who just beat you in a fight is not a smart move."

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