“I am” Lara insisted “okay if you want to know the truth I think my parents are putting me Juliet and Cleapatra up for adoption. I know it sounds crazy but I think they are and I’m scared, alright? I’m scared I have to move towns”
Kathy overheard this and went over to Cleapatra. "Do you think your parents would put you up for adoption?" she asked.
“I am” Lara insisted “okay if you want to know the truth I think my parents are putting me Juliet and Cleapatra up for adoption. I know it sounds crazy but I think they are and I’m scared, alright? I’m scared I have to move towns”
"What?!" said Milo shocked. "They can't do that! You're their daughter!" he said angrily then had a moment of deep thinking. "And I thought my parents were bad!"

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