Humane euthanization of chicks-what's your opinion?

What if its not a rooster? Then you would have killed a perfectly good hen....

Wait a while okay? I hate to see death thats not needed.... Maybe someone here can buy him!
i tried the CO2 chamber with the vinegar and baking soda... it didnt work. I did it just like they said but something must have been screwed up with it when I did it.

I'd lop its head off, or stick it in the freezer.
Putting a live animal in the freezer is one of the most inhumane ways to kill it that anyone could come up with. Drowning it is probably more humane. Freezing is a very slow painful death. I would guess anyone who thought that idea up doesn't live in a very cold climate cause I can tell you frostbite and hypothermia really suck. I'd take heat stroke over that any day and I"ve experienced both. You don't just go to sleep. You feel your whole body tingle with pain and go numb while you do everything possible to get warm until you border on panic.
On Tuesday my darling man euthanized one of my babies for me. We got an old mayo jar, put her in it and filled the jar with CO2 from a tank. She was gone in a matter of seconds.

If it's true that chickens have fast respiration, which I read, than she was gone in maybe a second and a half.

She was my first to go, and this is my first batch of babies. Hard to do, but kinder than her suffering further.

If it's a case of "I don't want a rooster" and there may be a chance that "he" might be a "she", I agree with sunnibunny...wait a bit.

Good luck!
I would check to see if there is a live stock auction near you. On sale day the Bird can be dropped off and then sold and usually they will mail your Money to you.

If you had it put it down I would use the quickest humane method possible to put the bird down.

Chopping its head off would be one of the quickest. One whack and its done and no suffering, might be painful for the person that had to do it but its quick and that is what counts.

Some of the chemical ways sound very painful
Thanks everyone for your opinions and thoughts about this. Ultimately, I decided I just don't have the heart to euthanize a perfectly healthy animal and would hang onto it until someone was willing to adopt him. Luckily enough, my husband's coworker will take him and raise him as a meat bird. Even though he will be eaten, at least he didn't die just because he wasn't born the "right" gender.
What if your chick turns out to be a Hen and you've given her to your husband's coworker raised her as a meat bird and she's gone? Keep the chick until it grows. If the bird starts to crow then kill it but if it lays eggs then keep her
His co-worker just got chicks (for eggs) of his own, pretty much a day after I got mine. I'm sure that in a few weeks he'll be certain whether it's male or female and if it is the latter, he'll just add them to his flock.

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