Humid outside, is there anyway to lower


10 Years
Oct 13, 2009
New Paris, Pa 15554
I just set up my incubator and wanted to put in eggs today, but the humidity outside is about 75% and inside the incubator says 81% at the moment. Is there any way to lower humidity "inside" incubator? Can I start incubating an hope the humidity goes down in a few days?
You can get a container of "damp rid" and put some of the pellets in a small container inside the incubator. I had the same problem last week and had to move the bator into a room that was air conditioned (we're in Florida, so most of the rooms are...just the laundry room doesn't have central heat/air).
Remove the water from the water wells, if there's no eggs, just unplug and tip it over the sink, if there is, paper towels. Silica crystals that you get in new leather shoes and handbags if they are made of leather, soak up water vapour, but be sure to leave in the packets and dispose of before hatching as they are poisonous.
Did you by chance just wash it, if so the humidity will be high for a couple days then drop to normal as the syrofoam dries out! That is what mine does when I clean it up to get ready for the next set. And if this is the case yes I always went ahead and started them, kept an eye on the humidity and added water to the wells when it got down to 40-50%

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