humidity level


In the Brooder
Jul 25, 2016
hello, im hatching six ducks eggs and the humidity level keeps getting low and especially today since it's hot. im on day 18 and hoping this won't hurt them. anyone have experience with humidity level dropping and the eggs still hatching? thanks. :fl
And all your incubator vents are plugged up?

Heat alone shouldn't be causing you issues, but if your air is particularly dry, then you're going to have to keep adding moisture to the environment. You can try to provide more surface area for evaporation, a wider water source or even a facecloth with one end in the water, but you're always going to be refilling the water if you have dry air sapping the moisture out.

Some folks do a dry hatch, but I've never personally tried, so I can't provide much information on the concept.

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