Humidity/Ventilation Ratio Help please.


Cackleberry Curator
13 Years
Mar 9, 2011
Troy, Kansas
Hey all. I'm hoping I can get some opinions from those of you with humidity/ventilation ratio experience and knowledge during lockdown.

I've made another homemade incubator for this specific purpose. Can anyone tell me if I have enough vents open to satisfy viability during this time? My inside dimensions are about 19 inches wide by 25 inches long by 6 inches deep. The vent holes are about 5/8 inches in diameter. (Cork sized) My temperature is stable — 99.5 to 100.5 and humidity is around 61 to 64 percent at this time. I think I need to bump it up a few more percentages.

LOCKDOWN IS IN 4 DAYS — This is my first time.

Here's a few pics to query your opinions.

This is a corner view showing the two rows of vents I positioned. The heat chamber is in back with the lower vents while the egg chamber is in front with vents towards the top.

This is a view from the front. Notice the two vents on the left that are open.

Here's a view looking at the back right row of vents. The first one is open.

This view is looking through the 1/4-inch glass toward the front vents. I have thermal-mass jars lined across there to nullify the cold spots.

Here's another view from the top looking down through the glass toward the heat chamber.

I'm geting a bit apprehensive and nervous whether or not if this thing is going to work.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks Reb! I was hoping you would reply since you hatch chicks weekly. I'll have about 30 eggs going in I hope.

I've been keeping an eye on your web cams as well. Thanks for the feedback. I feel a bit better now.
1000 broiler eggs require a maximum (at hatch) of 120 cubic feet of fresh air every hour - calculate what you need from that. Measurement through a single vent isn't too difficult using a very thin gauge plastic bag, screwed-up tight to begin with - there is often enough pressure to inflate it. Alternatively you can judge speed using smoke from a tiny twist of smouldering tissue.

Eggs hatch fine at incubation conditions though, or they have here for the past 30 years. And I never worry about opening the 'bator when a hatch is happening - just did it less than 5 minutes ago.

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