
I keep my humidity at about 50% until lockdown, then raise it to about 70 and lower the temp to about 95. Take the turner out. I had two turkeys lay in the same nest, and ended up with 27 eggs at different states of development. One hatched on the turner with 50% humidity, and a couple other cracked on the turner, so I don't think its quite as critical as some people make it sound.

Base on teh books I've read, its almost impossible to raise a turkey or a pig. Based on experience, it's pretty easy to do both...most of the time.
can i do the dry incubation method because the humidity inside is about 40% and the humidity outside is already about 80% most days and thanks for reply
thanks and i just thought about it how do i tell what day they were on the man we got them from said he thought a hen had been sitting on them but wasn't real sure. any ideas

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