Humming Bird question


10 Years
Jan 19, 2010
When it visits the feeder, it will make a clicking noise. Sounds a little like a cricket. And the humming from its wings gets real loud. Is it a mating thing?
Hummers make a LOT of sounds, some vocal, some with their wings. They are all about TERRITORY, which of course has to do with mating. The chirp you are hearing is both a contented thing and a way of saying "MINE, MINE!!!". Ounce for ounce, they are belligerent little buggers.

They are a blast to watch, very entertaining.
Yes, there is always 2 humming birds out there when I hear these noises. And thank you.
wood&feathers :

Hummers make a LOT of sounds, some vocal, some with their wings. They are all about TERRITORY, which of course has to do with mating. The chirp you are hearing is both a contented thing and a way of saying "MINE, MINE!!!". Ounce for ounce, they are belligerent little buggers.

They are a blast to watch, very entertaining.

We love watching their aerial dog fights ~ we have noted that if they were much larger it wouldn't be safe to go outside when they were around. They just returned to our yard the beginning of the week and will be here through the middle of September. I keep at least 4 feeders going on different side of the house as often 1 male will guard a feeder and chase the others away.

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