Hungry All the Time

I'm not feeding them "canned corn". It comes in a regular feed bag. And my other chickens are satisfied and full, so no, she isn't underfed.

What are you feeding in addition to the corn? You can see where the confusion may have come about without it reading that you were using a can to scoop bagged feed corn. It is entirely possible for one or a few birds in a flock to be nutritionally lacking even if other birds are not - and there is a difference between "full" and being on an appropriate diet.
Quote: I'm not feeding them "canned corn". It comes in a regular feed bag. And my other chickens are satisfied and full, so no, she isn't underfed.
I am So Sorry, I do apologize! <blushing smiley> said 'can' and I jumped to conclusions...
I think because I saw a pic today of a chicken eating canned corn.

Anyway...then it might be because the chickens are new to the scene and not used to the new schedule and food.

I still stand by the need for a balanced chicken feed available 24/7 instead of feeding once or twice a day.
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Quote: Nothing really. She's pretty picky, so she doesn't like leftovers as the other chickens do. But she does like grass, ferns, and bread crumbs.

Since coming to the backyard chicken world, I've come to learn that there are quite a few people who feed their chickens nothing but corn. Asked why they do this, it's usually something along the lines, "That's what everyone around here does...or that's what my grandma always did and her chickens did fine." But nutritionally speaking, corn alone is just not enough for a chicken to thrive on. It's missing much protein and some vital vitamins and minerals...things that can only come from a varied diet. They may "survive", but unless they have ample access year round to lots of bugs and green forage, they simply are not getting enough nutrition. Someone on BYC once wrote a very good article about how "grandpa's" free range land is quite different from today's...grandpa's chickens (whom he only fed corn to) where thriving more because the forage was much better than it is today. Better in ways we haven't really noticed or paid attention to.

Try it yourself...go an entire month eating nothing but corn and see how you feel. Allow yourself to get full on the corn. I bet after a few days of this you will find yourself hungry, because your body is craving for nutrition it's not getting from the corn.

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