Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Etc


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 24, 2012
Lewisburg, TN
I Love the Outdoors... Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Canoeing and absolutely love Camping. Nothing like sitting around a campfire with Friends and Family.

Any others here do any of these activities?
My entire family loves being in the great outdoors. We live on a man made lake and are out on the lake fishing just about every day we can. We also enjoy camping too. It's been a great passion for our entire family to be outdoors as much as we can :)
I would definitely have to agree with you there. Do you fish often? Since my family and I have bought a house by the lake we tend to fish almost every day. It's great to be able to fish and fill our freezers with some yummy food. I truly think I could eat fish almost every day of the week, and for those other days we always have fresh eggs and chicken :D
Fishing and Camping are the best! Nothing better than pulling in a huge bass or catfish and then go fry it up with some buddies!
My family and I are the same way. We even have taught our oldest daughter, she's 9, to bait her own hook and to take her fish she catches off her hook. We are currently in the process of teaching her how to clean her own fish too.
I try to fish as often as I can. But the lake near my house is where everyone dumps there meth waste.... great town huh? haha. so I never keep any.. it could be a myth but I dont want to take any chances.. but over the summer i try to fish 3-5 times a week.
I try to fish as often as I can. But the lake near my house is where everyone dumps there meth waste.... great town huh? haha. so I never keep any.. it could be a myth but I dont want to take any chances.. but over the summer i try to fish 3-5 times a week.
OH no that isn't good at all. I would be terrified to eat anything out of it..

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