Hurray, my coop is started!

Must Be Losing It

Lost It
11 Years
Mar 3, 2008
Uxbridge MA
My new coop is under way! Granted its only a 12 x 8 floor on skids so far, but its a start. Its from an old plan my husband found on line w/ a small enclosed storage area inside for the feed/hay. Now I won't have to run out back to the shed to get the feed in the middle of the snow.

Yeah!!! Way to go!! Now go out there and get busy...what are you doing on this site?! Good luck with the rest of it!
Hip, hip, hooray! That really is exciting.

I also have storage room inside for my feed and things. However, my storage area is way too small (only about 2 ft. x 8 ft. -it's needs to be wider) but then again, so is my whole hen house ... I want more chickens but don't have the proper space!

You have more room in yours so it should be good.

Have fun!
We'll be starting the walls this weekend. I'm just giddy over this. I'll post pictures next week when it actually looks like something other than the foudation for a tap dance studio.


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