Hurricane IRENE preparedness for backyard chickens.


The Chicken Chick[IMG]emojione/assets/png/00ae.png
10 Years
Oct 18, 2009
We’re not accustomed to hurricanes here in the Northeast part of the United States and neither are our backyard chickens. I took a crash-course in hurricane preparedness this week and thought I would share what I learned. This link will bring you to my blog entry on what to do to prepare your flock for a hurricane:

"We’re not accustomed to hurricanes here in the Northeast part of the United States and neither are our backyard chickens. I took a crash-course in hurricane preparedness this week and thought I would share what I learned. Take care of those backyard pets and stay safe folks.


Regardless of where your flock rides-out the hurricane, there are basic preparations all of us should make.
Stock up on enough feed to last your flock at least one week.

*Buy extra feed in case it is not readily available following the hurricane.
*Store feed at least 2 feet above ground in a dry, flood-proof area.
*Stockpile enough water to last at least one week. Each chicken will require at least one gallon of water for every three days. If water becomes scarce, cut back on feed intake.
*Stock up on basic veterinary supplies: bandages, Vetwrap, triple antibiotic ointments, etc.)." to read more, click here:

share any tips you may have on weathering hurricanes.

This is a picture of some of my girlz today. Hardly seems possible that we're about to get clobbered by a hurricane. Be well everyone.
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My girls just started laying about a week ago (steadily) I live just outside NYC area. I was thinking about making them a temporary pen in the garage casue I'm worrkied about trees, flooding, etc. Does moving them effect the laying? Obviously it's better that they are safer but wondering if you have any info on that. Thanks!

Chickens hate change. Moving them will likely affect their laying until they get settled back into their coop. That having been said, if you can move them into your garage, DO. The storm itself will be a major stressor for them, so better to have them in a safer location.

Who knows, they may not miss a beat, but the likelihood is that their rhythm will be interrupted for a little while, but they'll get back to business as usual before you know it.
Good luck and stay safe!
Yikes. Glad you still have power and internet. For those of us who have little to no experience with hurricanes, what kinds of things do you recommend for preparing our chickens? Do you bring yours inside?
I just moved my 3 girls into a new coop 3 days ago, they seem to be adjusting well; resumed laying yesterday but haven't figured out that they are supposed to roost one the dowel instead of fighting over the nesting box. I have another who's been isolated in the infirmary in the basement for about a week and a half because she's battling coccidiosis (getting better now). So i haven't let them out since we moved them to the new coop and now I plan to move them all down to the basement tomorrow afternoon....

It was definitely a stress for them to have to move into their new house but I can't leave them in harms way so we're all going to have to weather the storm inside the house together. We're about 700 feet above sea level so I'm not ask much worried about flooding as I am about the trees coming down
Beautiful looking flock you have there!

Thank you. I really enjoy the diversity (I think all the Black Copper Marans are hiding in this pic though...I love them!).

Wow, sounds like your flock is off to a rough start. The ones in the coop will get the hang of the roosting thing before too long. They're going to be confused for a while about where "home" is though with the back and forth between the house and coop. When you return them to the coop after the hurricane, I would leave them INSIDE the coop for at least a week before letting them out into the run. This will reinforce the concept of home for them. I always do that with new coop residents. When I do let them out into the run, I keep them confined there for another week or two so that they go back into the coop at night without having to be chased. By the time they're ready to free-range (if you do that) they obediently march back to the run and coop at dusk and tuck themselves in. It's amazing.

Well, stay safe NY!
My chickens are all in their coops except one baby Silkie. I have too many chickens to bring them all in.
I just provided them with plenty of water and food, so they don't need to come out until it's over.
This really isn't that bad of a hurricane. If it was worse, I'd have to come up with a better plan for them.

This is us as of 11:30pm.
I feel for all of y'all! I live in Louisiana near New Orleans and I remember Katrina! There's nothing worse than the sound of a hurricane hitting. I remember my whole family crowded in the bathroom with all of the animals stuffed in there. Lol I can't imagine what the chickens must feel. I hope y'all stay safe.

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