Hurricane Irene

Okay I need some advice!
I live on the Eastern Shore of VA, and it's not looking good for us. We aren't sure whether we will stay or go-and we have a zoo at our house. So my question is, I have around 60 ducks, geese, chickens, and turkeys.....should I leave them out in our yard, or keep them in their enclosure? The enclosure that they stay in at night, or when we aren't home, is a pretty decent size-all covered and fenced in with chicken wire, then a run in barn and small chicken coop. We let them out in just a big fenced in backyard (with lots of trees) during the day. I worry if I leave them in, the the wind could take the old barn down, or the fence and trap them-plus we have also had problems with flooding due to our ducks insisting on always making a mess of their "area". I worry about the big pine trees and branched in our backyard, or them not having many options to get out of the storm, or blowing away! What should I do? Lock them in, leave them out, or just put them alllllllll in kennels and have them inside(we have a pet grooming business with plenty of kennels) That is just alot of critters to round up and put inside, but I am an overprotective mother and don't want any of them to get lost in this storm
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! We've weathered Floyd and Isabel before, but never had any outside critters other than horses, and we just tagged them and left them out-they did fine. I didn't have to worry about them blowing away..

@ Krystle807

I would bring them in if you have enough space and staying with them for the storm. If you have to evacuate I would leave a weeks worth of food and water out for them up high with extra roosting boards in case in floods, then board up tight so hopefully they wont blow away. I wish the best for everyone and their animals.
Went for supplies, gassed up, going out now to feed the animals and batten down the hatches. Good luck to all this weekend (and beyond!). Prepare as best you can, the rest is up to God.
I'm also on Long Island. I was wondering what the best thing to do is for them
Got their coop this summer so dont know how it is with storms.
I was planning putting their food and water in there.
I have a smaller heavy duty coop Hubby built (their original coop) that we moved up against the back of our house.
If I lock them in the smaller coop besides being crowded will they be Ok to ride out the storm.
No room for food and water in it though.
If I bring them in the house (yes I will make room for all 33 in dog crates if i have too) how long can they stay in?
MY main concern is no matter where i need to put them will they be ok with out food and water for a while

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