Hurricane Irene

It's just about over here (I'm near Six Flags Great Adventure). Lots of rain, but not that much wind.

I couldn't bring my folks in because there's too many of them (22, a lot of heavy breeds) to contain in the basement. The kids just went outside to let them out.
Here in suburban Philadelphia, we battoned-down the hatches (=coop windows) and topped off the feeder and water and tucked the girls in for the night. At 6:30 this AM, the girls were suffering severe cabin fever, so we let them into the run, but we are still expecting the back side of the storm. The run is thoroughly soaked but I'm not going to attempt cleaning it out until the rain is completely over. This is our first season with the chickens and coop. I think if we had to prep for this again, I'd do more to tarp the run to give the girls more dry space to stretch their legs in the aftermath. But, all in all, no one was hurt, no damage to's all good.

The wind is really starting to pick up maybe gusts to 35-40mph but not much rain. Went down to check on the girls and they are alittle out of sorts with the wind but still wander around likes its nothing. But the worst is yet to come,just worrying about a giant pine falling on the coop.
Anyone from the Greensville, NC area on here to give a report on how things went. I have an aunt there in assisted living who is blind and my Dad hasn't been able to get through to her. I told him probably just phone/power outage, and if things are not too bad there at least that will make us feel better.
Currently my coop and run are under 2ft of water. Fortunately got them all in the garage in small pens. Water came with in 3 ft of the garage, but has started to recede, finally.
Are you in Jackson? I live over in Brick about 2 miles from the ocean. So glad it wasn't as bad as they were predicting for the area here--had the girls in the basement, but I put them in their coop now, still raining and windy here but for the most part Irene is over.
Hope everyone's alright! Lots of wind and rain where I'm at currently. Girls and boys are all inside and all the other animals are as well.

Boarded up windows and everything up. Hoping for the best, but worried about flooding!

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