Hurricane Irene

Lots of wind and rain here as well. Girls are in the coop for now, honking away. They want to get out but I am refusing today! Hope everyone stays safe! The worst is yet to come!
This is how we ended up preparing for Hurricane Irene:



We left 5 chickens outside and brought the 20 week olds in. I tipped their brooder over and pushed it up against a dog crate so they would have a decent amount of room. I also put a 40 watt bulb on about 10 feet from the area so they would stay calm and "so far, so good"!


The storm has moved north and was not as bad as expected. We are still getting alot of rain and wind though. They will be out in the hen house tonight to roost
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All of my feathered friends are back outside happy to be in their home. They spent the night and part of this morning in dog crates in my house with shavings, water bottles and food. My area on Long Island didnt get much of the strom. Less than an inch of rain. wind not too bad but still occasionally blowing. Lots of trees down in the neighborhood though. They even laid eggs for me while in the house. They are very reliable layers. Glad I decided to bring them in. Their coop is just fine but did get some but not much water inside from the blowing rain. Hope everyone else was and is as lucky as we were.
The wind is really blowing thing around here ! There is a bit of flooding also. Thank goodness the Hubby finished the new coop before he went back to work out of state for 3 weeks !
I`m in northern Maine,we have got the rain but no wind yet,just heard a rumble of thunder.We put everyone inside this morning and had to move a potatoe barrel with mother and 11 babies inside barrel and all in the coop,did not dare leave her in the run afraid the wind might be to much and blow the barrel around.Took the tarps off the runs afraid they would ruin the netting on top.Its 4:00 here and really nothing yet,suppose to start tonight and into monday morning then clear in the afternoon..
went out and took picture of barrel in coop,babies are doing good in there with all the big girls.
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I was undecided what to do with my girls. Bring them inside or just let them do their normal thing even though it was blowning hard and not much rain. I figured they would stress out either way. So I decided to let them go to their normal routine amongst the wind and falling branches. Only one major branch came down near the coop and just clipped a piece of the run with little damage and not needing repair. Got 9 eggs through all of it,best day in a couple 3 weeks.
We ended up with 4" of rain and no power or internet for about 15 hours thanks to trees down on wires on the road in front of the neighbor's house. The neighbors cleared one lane, but the trees are still on the road. The township came by and put up "Road Closed" signs for the night. Our coops weathered the storm well and the chickens seemed unaffected.


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