Hurricane Irene

Where are you located? Getting flood water is always such a big mess! Good luck!

Right smack in the middle of the Delmarva Peninsula (Maryland). After taking a drive out appears most small bridges around us are underwater, fortunately our coop and run are under about only a foot of water now. My avatar is one of my Delaware roosters playing in the water.
We made it through Irene! My girls were riding out the storm in the bathroom in a big crate. They went back out this afternoon when the wind and rain died down. I'm happy they came in for the night. In the morning we had waist deep floodwaters at each side of our block and in the backyard the water was coming in and the run had a few inches in it. But the waters went out with the tide, and overall we were very lucky!
I have two coops with covered runs nd most of my chickens stayed out in the runs through the entire thing! Had to divert some running water around one coop but all went well with no downed trees on either the coops or their pasture fencing. We did lose power at noon yesterday and as of this morning still using the generator. Not as bad here in NH as anticipated
Everyone in our house made it through the storm without problems. The chicks were so happy to be back in their coop on Sunday afternoon. It was damp outside and the ground was squishy, but it pretty much had dried up by late afternoon.

We are still without power - lost it at 8:30pm on Saturday when the tropical storm winds started hitting hard. The coop was undamaged! YEAH! It had a little water at the doorways, but otherwise was fine. However - our tree next to it didn't do so well. I'm also glad I didnt leave them out there b/c our neighbor's tall walnut tree is leaning at a 50degree angle towards the coop & our backyard. He has it propped now for stability and will have it removed as soon as possible - but it could very well have fallen and damaged the coop. We didn't have much damage. A few things here and there. Some shingles, pool siding and bushes/trees uprooted. My only regret was the beautiful old redbud tree is gone and so is our shade for sitting and watching the chicks

A neighbor has a generator and he's graciously letting us piggyback for power - so we have the fridge plugged in and a fan. I'm checking emails/FB and of course BYC forum!

My peach tree didn't fare as well as my animals did. I found it laying on the ground. I am trying to tie it up to see if I can help it survive. It's only a 3 year old tree it would be very sad if it died.
We lost one big tree and had several medium to small trees and bushes that we had to upright and stake down. The soil was so soaked that the wind just toppled them. Hope you get yours upright.
I have staked it twice so far but it won't stay upright so far I think the ground is just too wet to keep even the stakes in. Hopefully I can get it somewhat upright before the ground dries out
Well we made it through ok. My girls were a little confused as to where they were in my basement. But better to be confused than dead. I took them out one by one Sunday afternoon just to make sure they got back in the coop ok. It was still windy and I didn't want them blowing all over the yard getting back to the coop! They still laid eggs while in the basement!! Coop was unharmed. Glad most of you were ok!
I copied my own post from Friday evening, here it is ,plus a follow up:
OK folks, Im the one keeping the girls in the bathroom Can I say "IM A WRECK!!!!" We're about 30 miles from the coast (NC). Ive finished preparation for the girls stay in the bathroom I have all the critters ready with their own crates for emergency evacuation, 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 guinea pigs, 5 hens, 2 kids, whoops no crates for the kids
Tomorrow Ill finish up packing, this is my first hurricane,and my first experience with chickens,of course I HAD to fall in love with em,, at the age of 56, & Im NOT liking this one bit Lets pray Irene makes a SHARP right hand turn!! IM SKEEEEERED

Follow up.

I hope this post finds everyone safe & happy!
BEWARE : GRAPHIC:yiipchick
WHAT A MESS!!!!!!!! I am so thanlfull that they are safe
But OMG what a mess, on the other hand they(5) layed 4 eggs by the time I looked in on them the following morning, 3 in one box and one very nasty egg
on top of a cardboard box I had set on top of the sink so that they wouldnt try to get up on the sink, HA, HA
Needless to say that about 18 hours of time out in the bathroom they were back out in their state of the art coop, they were SOOOOO happy to get back out there,I think the smell was getting to them as it already had gotten to us:sick
I did take some pics of the aftermath & will post them soon, we did loose all power including cell phone use about 3 hours after I got them in the house and just got it back about 2 hours ago.
Also, cleaning an entire bathroom from cieling to floor with a flashlight is absolutely the pits

Anyways, Thank God this is over & everyone is safe

I think if there's a next time I will copy off of one of you and use the back of the pickup in the garage aproach

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