Hurricane Preparation

We’re going to have to stay through any storm in the future, but this is my first time having chickens so I’m wondering how everyone did who took their chickens inside? How did they do? I have a garage and also a bathroom I could put them in. Any advice?? There’s no way I’d leave them outside during a storm like that- it was scary enough inside, I can’t imagine being outside!
Having a plan and preparation ahead of time will definitely make it easier.
Make sure you have feeders and waterers ready, and food and water where you can get to it. For the floor, anything that will work, puppy pads, towels, even shavings or sand if you don't mind the clean up afterward. There is going to be some mess no matter what. It's a good idea to have a couple or three crates if you can, even if you plan to leave them loose in the room/garage. Optimally I'd have enough crates to have them all contained and only one or two to a crate depending on the bird, it's just easier to crate them (puppy pads work well for this), and they can still see each other so minimizes stress, and reduces risk of injury. The stress of moving and being in a new place can wig them out some, you may have to separate some to keep the peace (depends on how many and what you have) if loose. Something for temporary nest boxes, just in case it goes longer than expected, though they also may go off laying for a bit. Take a hard look around for anything that might need 'chicken proofing' ahead of time, they are going to climb, roost, peck, scratch and poop on anything and everything in the space if they are loose, remove anything toxic or that they can swallow. And there will be dust whether they are crated or not. And then move them out as soon as it's safe to do so. I'm really hoping for a less active season this year. :hmm
I feel like my vote would be garage over bathroom unless there is concern for the garage door coming off? Yuck chicken dust and toothbrushes :sick
I bought a temporary chicken run to use with my grow out coop that folds up like a dog kennel, and looks like one but much bigger. There is a review of it if you look under my content. If we have another hurricane in NY I will be setting it up in my garage and moving the ladies inside to hide.:oops:
Yeah I would use the guest bathroom. I’m worried about the safety of my garage in terms of the storm and also all the chemicals and car stuff we have stored in there. It would be a lot less prep to use the spare bathroom.... so i guess I answered
Having a plan and preparation ahead of time will definitely make it easier.
Make sure you have feeders and waterers ready, and food and water where you can get to it. For the floor, anything that will work, puppy pads, towels, even shavings or sand if you don't mind the clean up afterward. There is going to be some mess no matter what. It's a good idea to have a couple or three crates if you can, even if you plan to leave them loose in the room/garage. Optimally I'd have enough crates to have them all contained and only one or two to a crate depending on the bird, it's just easier to crate them (puppy pads work well for this), and they can still see each other so minimizes stress, and reduces risk of injury. The stress of moving and being in a new place can wig them out some, you may have to separate some to keep the peace (depends on how many and what you have) if loose. Something for temporary nest boxes, just in case it goes longer than expected, though they also may go off laying for a bit. Take a hard look around for anything that might need 'chicken proofing' ahead of time, they are going to climb, roost, peck, scratch and poop on anything and everything in the space if they are loose, remove anything toxic or that they can swallow. And there will be dust whether they are crated or not. And then move them out as soon as it's safe to do so. I'm really hoping for a less active season this year. :hmm
thank you thank you I will keep all this in mind. Yes me too- Irma was so terrifying. The news makes it even worse- I plan to ignore it other than all updates this time.

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