Hurt Chick, Help!!!!!!


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
So my little two year old (cchild) who loves our chicks dearly had a small tumble and landed on one of my chickees. She is now visibly limping and i cant tell f she is favouring the wing on the same side. I'm not sure what to do, im completely new to chickens. Im worried she'll be picked on. She's about 4-5 weeks old and mostly feathered. I have 6 chicks in a large rubbermaid container.
Please help!!!!!
I'm sure she'll be fine. Probably won't be picked on enough to be a problem if she is picked on at all. Just keep and eye on things and drink some calming tea.
she has been walking fine today I am pleased to report! Miss Roxy is strutting her stuff once again.

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