Hurt chick


8 Years
Mar 9, 2015
south west Nebraska
Ok my husband would feel bad but he accidently stepped on a 13 week old polish chick. Hes not sure what part of her he stepped on. She was under the porch before we could see what happened. Thought she was ok but noticed she was limping. on right side. I held her and layed her on her back. I felt leg up and down felt her toes and nothing feels broken. She actually went to sleep when I was doing this. Put her back out and she will walk some then huddle under something to hide. When she walks she still favors the rt. No signs of injury. No swelling no discoloration. I have separated her from the rest and shes eating and drinking. Anything else I should be doing? I put her in with the others at night and bring in in the morning. I thought about immobilizing the leg but not sure where the injury is. Any thoughts?
Maybe her hip is a bit out? You could try moving it around a bit and see if that helps, I’ve never had this with a chicken but I managed to fix a baby rabbit this way when I got stepped on by a dog.

Personally I would take her out for the night just to be safe so that she is not hurt by the others. Maybe you could put in another chick with her just to keep her company as long as it’s not a mean one and going to peck her a lot.

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