Hurt foot


7 Years
May 2, 2012
I accidently stepped on one of my hens about 3 days ago and she could barely walk to put a split on her foot to help support it. Now she is really worse. Her head is thrashing about and she is just laying there. She was eating and drinking but now she is not. She has cried out twice. I feel so badly for her. I have a strong idea she is going to die. Is there anything I can do to make her more comfortable? Anyone have any suggestions?


That stinks, did you step on her body or on her foot? If you landed on her body, she may have some internal injuries. no matter how small you are as a person, you are much heavier and could inflick some damage. Keep her calm and safe and see what happens. Good luck
Sorry etammy. I just saw your reply. I only stepped on the side of her foot but she did end up dying that day. Thanks for your help. I now have two new hens that are big and are not getting along with the one chicken that I have left from my other flock and she is much smaller. Any suggestions anyone. Thanks.
Man, I'm sorry to hear that she died. My girls get under my feet sometimes and I'm always afraid I'm going to do serious damage. We try so hard to keep them safe and healthy. As for the smaller hen vs big hens, I'd make sure she has a hidey hole or other place that she can get into and the larger girls can't. They may get used to her eventually as long as she can get away from them so they don't get in the habit of picking on her.

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