hurt hen please help


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
my 2 year old barred rock hen got attacked by somthing we dont know what though possibly a hawk she had a huge gash down her side we let her back in the coop and she slightly healed but my 3 year old rooster pecks her when i let them out for the day she hides and i dont see her till it is time to roost if the rooster finds her he pulls her feathers out I found her today after searching for hours I put her in her own pen I gave her a quart of water and added 1/2 tsp salt and1/2 tsp sugar I gave her some cracked corn and layer crumbles I put some peroxide in her wounds what else can I do?
You did the right thing by isolating her. That rooster would probably have prevented her from healing.

Can you describe her wounds in more detail? Is it a deep wound, is it just a long scratch? Is there a flap of skin disconnected from her side? Another thing I'd watch out for is making sure it doesn't start looking yellow or green. If it is, it could be infected.
Put triple antibiotic on the wound 2x daily. As long as it doesn't need suturing she'll probably be fine. My hens have recovered from hawk attacks--one was pretty deep and wide. You may want to give her the Ricket's Diet (search for it here).

While you probably want to isolate her, as soon as she can be added back to her flock it will help her recovery. These birds can get depressed when alone because they are by nature social creatures. I would isolate the rooster instead. Are you sure he didn't cause the damage? I've heard some stories about roos tearing up a favorite or a hated hen . . .

I had heard salt was BAD for birds, as it messes up their electrolytes and can cause heart attacks, especially during stress. If you know something I don't, please let me know! I am triple careful to make sure they don't get into salt.

Good luck with your girl! Watch often to make sure she doesn't get any maggots in this heat. Applying SWAT will keep the maggots away. Or, bring her into your house until the flesh is healed.
thanks everyone she was my roosters favorite hen and he just wanted to ''do the deed'' but he was very agresive about it is it possible that his spurs cut her sides during mating? he only has a left spur and that is the side that my hen is cut on his spur is about 2 1/2'' long the cut after the attack was very deep I could see her guts and ribs it healed a little bit so I put her back with the flock now I have the rooster problem I gave her salt because where I live most of the wildlife that lives here comes out off the woods the lick the salt off of the road (the salt is for snow) thanks again got any more advice
Keep your hen completely seperated from all your other chickens until she completely heals, including the rooster. The others will pick on her if you dont and the rooster will open up the injuries making them worse. Flush the wounds with 50/50 betadine and water solution. Put neosporin on the wounds and add neosporin daily as needed to heal the wounds. Do NOT give her salt at all!! If you want to add something in her water, add poultry nutri is loaded with vitamins and minerals and will help build up her strength to fight off infection.
If you see greenish skin, it's actually the color of chicken bruising, but not necessarily infection.
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she is acting like she feels some better I need to find her a bigger cage though

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