Hurt Hen?


6 Years
Mar 26, 2014
One of my (almost) 6 month old Buff Orpington's suddenly developed a limp a few days ago. She holds her right foot up whenever she stands and doesn't hardly do anything anymore. We've checked and can find no outward signs of injury. She's getting more and more lethargic and today is barely even moving. She doesn't even move or fuss when I pick her up (highly unusual for my hens) and even lets me turn her upside down without a fight to check her leg. When we came home from church tonight she was laying on the ground in the run underneath the waterer. (haha Is that a word?) Anyway, she was not roosting in the coop with the rest of the hens. That's never happened before. We brought her in the house to keep an eye on her, but we honestly have no idea what to do.

Any advice?
I would put her in a box for rest, and try to get her to drink some water with electrolytes and vitamins in it. Make her a scrambled egg and add some electrolyte water to her feed to try and get her to take some. Does she have any diarrhea or blood in her stool? If she has injured her leg, I can't understand why she would be lethargic, unless she has been kept away from water and food, or something else is going on such as coccidiosis or some other infection.
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, she died during the night. I'm so sad. This is the first girl I've lost. Now I'm really worried about the others. This happened so quickly and nothing seemed to indicate that she would die. I have no idea how to protect the other girls. I need wisdom.

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