Husband made un-approved change to coop...


9 Years
Feb 22, 2010
He added a window.

Its a plexi-glass square, he framed it out with a wood trim, and placed it highest roost high, he thought it would be nice for me to look in on them without opening the access door.
Do you approve?

I'm torn. Not sure if I like it or not, eh. It will let me light in for sure. But its not like I can open it to help vent.
I'll take pictures in the morning, its too cold
It won't hurt anything; smile and say. "Thank you dear!"

Husbands are like chickens; sometimes we have no way of fathoming why they do things.
Ahaha you guys are so right. I will say thank you

Approval for idea next time hunny, approval. HAHA
Be sure that he KNOWS that it was worth his trouble. That way, the next time you ask for a honeydo, he will be even more accommodating.
When I added on to my coop, I placed a window high up on the east side (rising sun). It is 24 X 30 and has hardware cloth over it. I also made a plexiglas pane to close it in winter. It is above the chickens' heads and across from the roost, so no draft on them. In summer it will give them cooling ventilation.

It's a good idea. Have him put hardware cloth on it so you can open it in warm weather.
A window is good for many things and improvements can be made later like placing hardware cloth over the opening and making it open-able!

I think this axiom applies..."It is sometimes better to ask forgiveness than permission."

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