Hypnotizing a chicken


9 Years
Sep 28, 2010
San Antonio
Hello, this is our first time having chickens and we have 4. My 12 yo son watched a video on hypnotizing chickens, and has been doing this to ours. Its funny, and they seem extremly calm, and all he is doing is taking his finger and going in circles around their heads and laying them on the ground. My question is in any way is this harmful for them? He doesnt do it often, but I just want to make sure that is cant harm them in any way?? Thank You, Oh I will post some pics of them during the hypnotism lol, I promise they are very much alive, it just looks funny!


My daughter does it to ours sometimes too, though she uses a different method. It doesn't hurt them at all, in fact I have her do it whenever I need to move birds, sooo much easier to get them into the crate.

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