They're all on medicated chick starter/grower. She is the lowest in the pecking order, and she never likes to stray far from the two chicks she was in the brooder with, so she might have missed her chance to eat because of that. How long do you think warming her up will take?
Nope, I don't have any of that. :/ What would raw egg do?
Give her some warmed sugar water if she's alert.

Sounds like she may have been kept from food/water. Get her warm, hydrated then see if she will eat.
Get some photos of her poop.

It may take some time for her to warm up - you don't want to get her really hot all at once or she'll go into shock - just take this slow.
I got a little feel of her feel and the air cavity between her wings and body. Her feet are cold and the air cavities, along with her skin, are less than room temperature.

Got some poop! It was pretty projectile, very runny, white. There's little solid-ish. Its like it's mostly birdie pee.
You are doing great with her. I agree it sounds like perhaps she’s been bullied off feed. Can you offer her some mash made from the chick starter and warm water? How is her temperature and her body language now?
She's eating off a plate. *tink tink tink* It's not really mash, but it's wet. She's loud when I leave and when I turn the lights off(she's scared of being alone and the dark), unless she's eating. She's still kinda sleepy and stoic or whatever, but she's always been introverted, kinda. It took some prodding to wake her up though. She's drunk maybe half a tablespoon of the water. I'm gonna have to sleep on the couch tonight. :p She's a lonely baby.
Any ideas to keep her from being bullied off feed again? I was putting out two feeders, but I'd have to scatter handfuls of feed in different piles on the ground to keep the big girls from being able to bully the chicks away. Some of my hens really are very rude.
Also, how long should I keep her inside for?
Does she feel warm now? That’s sweet you’ll sleep near her on the couch. Sleep is probably what she needs now, too. Can you feel if her crop is filling up? Then check in the morning to make sure it’s empty again.

If she’s not been allowed to eat by the other birds, she may just need to build up her strength by having her own meals with you. As soon as she’s strong enough, I’d bring a buddy in to visit with her or let her be back with the flock, as long as she can eat. You can always pull her out to have meals with you a couple times a day if you can manage.

How many feeders do you have for how many birds? You might consider adding more feeders. I actually use coop cups in several places around the run so even the lower ranked birds get to eat. Would something like that work in your flock?
I've never, nor have I ever had to, check a crop. How do I do that?

She's happy as long as I'm humming, poor baby.

I'll try and do that, thank you!!

I have two feeders for eight birds. Five almost-three-year-olds and three almost-three-month-olds.
I've never heard of coop cups. How do they work?

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