
Feather Fluffer
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
Buckeye chick, about three months old, wouldn't come out from under coop, got her out, keeps sleeping, brought her inside. She fell off the brooder boxes when we put her in, so we took her into the house. Please help1!!
How cold was it? A three month old chicken would not get hypothermia easily. Do you mean three weeks? At 6 weeks a chick is completely feathered and at three months they definitely do not need heat. It sounds like it might be something else rather than hypothermia?
Can you get some photos of her and her poop?
How was your brooder boxes set up that she would fall?

Warm her up slowly, wrap her in a towel. Once she's more alert offer her some electrolytes are slightly warmed sugar water.

You mention brooder - are you still providing heat for 3 month old chicks?
How cold was it? A three month old chicken would not get hypothermia easily. Do you mean three weeks? At 6 weeks a chick is completely feathered and at three months they definitely do not need heat. It sounds like it might be something else rather than hypothermia?
It's about 30ish. She is a Buckeye, so she matures much more slowly. She's the equivalent of maybe 1.5 to 3 months for other birds. She's the only one.
Can you get some photos of her and her poop?
How was your brooder boxes set up that she would fall?

Warm her up slowly, wrap her in a towel. Once she's more alert offer her some electrolytes are slightly warmed sugar water.

You mention brooder - are you still providing heat for 3 month old chicks?
No poop to be seen. By brooder boxes I meant nesting boxes, sorry. They're out with the big girls, and have been for quite some time. they are not provided any heat. She's sitting in a towel near the fire.
No poop to be seen. By brooder boxes I meant nesting boxes, sorry. They're out with the big girls, and have been for quite some time. they are not provided any heat. She's sitting in a towel near the fire.
Also when we got her out, she was all wobbly, so she rolled off the flat top of the nesting boxes.
I would work on getting her warmed, then hydrated. Once she's drinking, then offer a little wet feed.
She may have more going on then being cold. Maybe the big girls are picking at her and keeping her from food. Coccidiosis comes to mind as well.

What are you feeding her?
I would work on getting her warmed, then hydrated. Once she's drinking, then offer a little wet feed.
She may have more going on then being cold. Maybe the big girls are picking at her and keeping her from food. Coccidiosis comes to mind as well.

What are you feeding her?
They're all on medicated chick starter/grower. She is the lowest in the pecking order, and she never likes to stray far from the two chicks she was in the brooder with, so she might have missed her chance to eat because of that. How long do you think warming her up will take?

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