I’m back but for a sad circumstance

You are not a horrible duck mom or you wouldn't be worried about your remaining duck. I would be surprised if the vast majority of the folks on this forum haven't lost a bird that they feel responsible for. I know I have -- and more than one. ONCE, I forgot to close the coop door and three hens died. ONCE, I let my ducks wander into the back of the property and a drake died.
I am very sorry for your loss. But, don't beat yourself up too much, just do your best for your surviving duck.
I have also lost two sets of ducks in years past shortly after I got them just because we let them wander when they were too small. This is my first year actually keeping them alive past their first molt!
I have that same pet gazebo from TSC. It is not predator proof for my area. Mine is eight 24" side panels. It takes me 15-20 minutes to assemble because it has a number of parts that all have to go together right to get everything to work. I could not use it as a pen that I had to disassemble and reassemble frequently. I used it as a daytime outdoor enclosure before I got my duck pen finished. I wrapped it in hardware cloth.

I, too, have lost a duck to a raccoon and it's awful. I am so sorry for your loss.

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