I’m devistated

Isn't Marek's something that vaccine does not prevent but simply helps the bird suppress it?
If that is the case and you have it in your flock, using the vaccine will not get rid of it.
The birds will not die from it but will be carriers.
Like someone said, you have to let this flock expire and then start fresh.
Or maybe there is a test for it and infected birds can be separated from healthy ones.
I am not a chicken expert by any stretch of the imaging. Just thinking logically about the issue.
Marek‘s is very common, very transmittable and persistent. It will stay in the soil and it can come back to your flock the way the first infection started, tracked in from a feed store on your shoes or feom a bird poop from above. No need to kill your whole flock. The vaccine protects not just from tumors but also feom disease for most birds. I have never had a case of paralysis in my vaccinated birds. Just lost two unvaccinated ones to it, vaccinated brooder mates are just fine.

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