I’ve got 2 questions

Gaming ducky

Jun 28, 2021
1 Would insulation help block out the sounds of a rooster early in the morning the day time isn’t that much of a stress questions 2. Will my isa browns breed with my black silkie rooster 3. Do the chicks need chick feed and a lamp when they are getting looked after by their mum and dad
1. not really and only gives rodents someplace to hide and nest in

2. maybe but I wouldn't hold my breath.

3. feed yes, lamp no. BTW the dad doesn't do much with the chicks after he breeds the mother.
On Q. #2, is that because of the size difference? Just want to tell OP that, all things being equal, any rooster will breed any hen that will hold still long enough. They do not care what color or breed the hen is; as long as it is a chicken, it is breedable, or at least worth a valiant attempt.
On Q. #2, is that because of the size difference? Just want to tell OP that, all things being equal, any rooster will breed any hen that will hold still long enough. They do not care what color or breed the hen is; as long as it is a chicken, it is breedable, or at least worth a valiant attempt.

Size difference is the main factor. Most roosters of the same breed are bigger for a reason. They are able to hold the female down to insure their genetics will be passed. An ISA is a rather large hen and you pair that with a silkie she might not sit there for him. He might be able to get up on top but she will be easily able to throw him off before the deed. I highly doubt it but you might get a hen or 2 that allow him. Silkies are also pretty docile by nature so I doubt he would push it very hard after a few failures.
On Q. #2, is that because of the size difference? Just want to tell OP that, all things being equal, any rooster will breed any hen that will hold still long enough. They do not care what color or breed the hen is; as long as it is a chicken, it is breedable, or at least worth a valiant attempt.
I’ve got huge mean feisty strong hens
Size difference is the main factor. Most roosters of the same breed are bigger for a reason. They are able to hold the female down to insure their genetics will be passed. An ISA is a rather large hen and you pair that with a silkie she might not sit there for him. He might be able to get up on top but she will be easily able to throw him off before the deed. I highly doubt it but you might get a hen or 2 that allow him. Silkies are also pretty docile by nature so I doubt he would push it very hard after a few failures.
The brother of the little rooster I’ve got


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LOL, trust me I know. I got a whole flock of 'em. Growing up my granny raised silkies so I been around plenty of those.
Oh yeah and also if my little one lays and hatches the babies could the big ones eat them should I maybe seperate?
Oh yeah and also if my little one lays and hatches the babies could the big ones eat them should I maybe seperate?

Mine are blood thirsty savages. Every time I get a broody I have to lock her up and allow her to raise her babies till they are about half grown. If I just leave her with the rest unprotected they eat the little ones.
Even being raised in a cage in the covered run with the rest of the flock they still don't like to accept the newbies very well.

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