I’ve got an imposter

If the olive egger is a Sapphire gem or blue rock it's a boy. Those are sex linked crosses and the boys are barred.
I’m not totally sure what breeds, to be honest. I’ve got some more pictures I’ll attach. I’m still trying to figure it out. To me it looks like a 3 row pea comb and that tail looks a little more curved. Can’t decide if we’re getting in some saddle feathers or not!


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I’m not totally sure what breeds, to be honest. I’ve got some more pictures I’ll attach. I’m still trying to figure it out. To me it looks like a 3 row pea comb and that tail looks a little more curved. Can’t decide if we’re getting in some saddle feathers or not!
He's some type of EE/OE. I can see some male feathers on his hackles but not too many on his saddle area yet.
He's some type of EE/OE. I can see some male feathers on his hackles but not too many on his saddle area yet.
Yes, it was given to me as an olive egger, but I don’t know what kind of mixture it is. You’re thinking cockerel though? Someone in the flock is definitely crowing!
Yes, it was given to me as an olive egger, but I don’t know what kind of mixture it is. You’re thinking cockerel though? Someone in the flock is definitely crowing!
He's for sure a cockerel. What do you mean mixture? As in what his parents might me? He probably has no pure bred ancestors for quite a few generations. Just mixes crossed with mixes.
SOMEONE in my flock is crowing (or at least trying to). All of my birds are between 7-12 weeks old. There are absolutely only 2 it could be and I REALLY think my ameraucana is a hen. BUT he/she displays a lot of behaviors that are more rooster like. So I’ll post some pictures here. The other suspect is a little olive egger and I really only think so because of its tail feathers. Interested to hear the opinions of others.
Beautiful birds! When I'm rooster free, which is "usually", one of my hens picks up rooster duty. Invariably. I have a golden Sebright bantam hen that lays eggs, struts around and crows constantly! She's pretty good at it, too! Lol. One of my americana girls has also displayed roo behavior very often. She stopped laying, however, during her gender transition. When i added a roo for breeding, she fought him to a standstill for about a month. Then went right back to being a hen!
I can't offer an opinion on gender, sorry. They all look like hens to me, because I'm notoriously bad at breeds and sexes but like to err on the side of optimism! (Not a rooster fan)
He's for sure a cockerel. What do you mean mixture? As in what his parents might me? He probably has no pure bred ancestors for quite a few generations. Just mixes crossed with mixes.
Someone up above commented about whether he may be a sapphire gem or blue rock. That’s what I mean by it. He’s a mutt 😂 no clue what he’s mixed with to know if he’s a sex linked mixture is all I meant!
Beautiful birds! When I'm rooster free, which is "usually", one of my hens picks up rooster duty. Invariably. I have a golden Sebright bantam hen that lays eggs, struts around and crows constantly! She's pretty good at it, too! Lol. One of my americana girls has also displayed roo behavior very often. She stopped laying, however, during her gender transition. When i added a roo for breeding, she fought him to a standstill for about a month. Then went right back to being a hen!
I can't offer an opinion on gender, sorry. They all look like hens to me, because I'm notoriously bad at breeds and sexes but like to err on the side of optimism! (Not a rooster fan)
I actually think that it might be my light Sussex hen that’s doing the crowing. I caught her yesterday. Which makes more sense because she’s in my older group of birds. This little olive egger is probably a cockerel but he’s still a little young to be crowing so beautifully. I’ve heard the hens can exhibit these behaviors. We can’t have any roosters so I’m gonna need her to stop it! 😂
If the olive egger is a Sapphire gem or blue rock it's a boy. Those are sex linked crosses and the boys are barred.
Sapphire Gems and Blue Rocks have single combs, but the cockerel in question has a pea comb, so he cannot be one of them.

Also, Sapphire Gems and Blue Rocks lay brown eggs, so they are not any kind of Easter Egger or Olive Egger. The "sapphire" and "blue" in their names are talking about feather color, not egg color.
Sapphire Gems and Blue Rocks have single combs, but the cockerel in question has a pea comb, so he cannot be one of them.

Also, Sapphire Gems and Blue Rocks lay brown eggs, so they are not any kind of Easter Egger or Olive Egger. The "sapphire" and "blue" in their names are talking about feather color, not egg color.
Yeah, he’s just a mixture of mixtures, I’m pretty sure. Just a mutt chicken 🙂 he’s still a pretty bird and someone will love him. He’s headed to a new home today!
She may stop,
I actually think that it might be my light Sussex hen that’s doing the crowing. I caught her yesterday. Which makes more sense because she’s in my older group of birds. This little olive egger is probably a cockerel but he’s still a little young to be crowing so beautifully. I’ve heard the hens can exhibit these behaviors. We can’t have any roosters so I’m gonna need her to stop it! 😂
She may stop by herself? I hope so!

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