I almost shot a possum

Update ladies and gentlemen. I'm going midnight possum hunting

You can do that but plan on doing it often. If there is one there are many. How about putting up an electric fence around a secure run/coop?

I have hardware cloth from top to bottom and out 2 ft on the ground. The top is covered by heavy duty netting. I also have hardware cloth apron around the coop. The run has electric fence all the way around and on top of two sides(in case something tries to jump from the trees or top of privacy fence.

Then I add a german shepherd to that...
I just shot a possum this morning.
The sucker got too close to my birds and I didn't give it a second to consider its actions.

Anything that isn't my own cat or dog that gets within 3 feet of my birds is killed if I can get it. If it can hurt my birds, it doesn't get to live.
I'd say even though there may be more, trapping and removing the threat might be the wisest choice. Reason being there are enough gun laws about shooting in and around houses as it is and why risk losing a right that we already are under attack for and then loose the birds to another prey. Add that electric fence. If dispatching it without prejudice is your only option, might I suggest an air rifle as they have very little noise . If your neighbors ask about the noise , just tell them its a motion sensing deterent device that makes a pop sound to scare away predators.
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Maybe time to get another 22? you will have to dispatch it if you trap it

If neighbors are a concern, choose Aguilar subsonic ammo. It makes much less noise, but hits very hard for a 22. Be CERTAIN that your bullets stay on your property, whether you hit or miss.

Of course, I'm assuming that you have the legal right to discharge a firearm on your property. Here in our area, it's allowed if you have a certain acreage.
If I didn't sell my .22 I would have for sure shot it... but since it was a self defence 9mm round I was concerned with the noise it would make... My neighbors already came outside to inquire why I was yelling and screaming... I'm going to put a trap outside for it

It was a wise choice not to try with a 9mm. You'd have been unlikely to connect at anything over 15 feet, given how upset you were. And the noise would have alarmed your neighbors, who might have called out the local Constable. Best to be discreet and plan your revenge. https://www.midwayusa.com/Product/2...nition-22-long-rifle-60-grain-lead-round-nose
You probably could have brained or decapated that possum at the time with your shovel, with no problem.
I know the adreneline would have helped me do so.
They are not fast, and traping it should not be hard if it returns. They are diesese carreying overgrown rats. Do you have a live trap?
Wire a piece of chicken or a can of tuna in the back, place it outside your coop.
The downside is you may also catch racoon, your neighbors cat, or a skunk!
Do not relocate a coon or possum, dispatch only.


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I was a nervous wreck when I put them outside. I finally had to put up an electric fence because I do have a family of raccoons and Opposums living 20 ft away and they are always in the trees. I didn't sleep well at all. I still sleep with the window slightly open(it's 20 degrees now) and I keep the door open so my dogs(mainly my german shepherd) can go in and out. My male GSD keeps the raccoons and oppossum on the other side. When they try coming down the tree he jumps at the fence and they scoot right back up. The only time I feel completely ok is when the electric fence is on and he is outside.
So leave the fence on 24/7; maybe they'll find a restaurant in a better neighborhood. If you leave it off much, they'll know it; I think they can smell it when it's on, and know the difference. No juice, no protection; that's why it's there, isn't it?

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