I almost shot a possum

So leave the fence on 24/7; maybe they'll find a restaurant in a better neighborhood. If you leave it off much, they'll know it; I think they can smell it when it's on, and know the difference. No juice, no protection; that's why it's there, isn't it?

It is most definitely on 24/7. The only time it's off is when I'm working in the run. I constantly check it to make sure.
It was a wise choice not to try with a 9mm. You'd have been unlikely to connect at anything over 15 feet, given how upset you were. And the noise would have alarmed your neighbors, who might have called out the local Constable. Best to be discreet and plan your revenge. https://www.midwayusa.com/Product/2...nition-22-long-rifle-60-grain-lead-round-nose
I'm going to pour rubbing alcohol on it and burn it for my chickens to see. They deserve the revenge too
It is most definitely on 24/7. The only time it's off is when I'm working in the run. I constantly check it to make sure.
That makes sense. I've caught coons, possums, a skunk, a cat & a chicken in my live trap. Coons & possums don't like it much, 'specially the coons. The 1st one tried it's darndest to get at me through the wire when I reached for the handle, & came close to doing it. I changed it's mind with Mr. Winchester, point blank, as well as every one since, except the skunk, which I took from long range; I'd just as soon not have to contend with rabies, which any of them can carry.
That makes sense. I've caught coons, possums, a skunk, a cat & a chicken in my live trap. Coons & possums don't like it much, 'specially the coons. The 1st one tried it's darndest to get at me through the wire when I reached for the handle, & came close to doing it. I changed it's mind with Mr. Winchester, point blank, as well as every one since, except the skunk, which I took from long range; I'd just as soon not have to contend with rabies, which any of them can carry.

Actually it's rare for an oppossum to carry rabies because of their body temp.

I see raccoons and oppossums almost daily. I used to see skunks all the time--they used to play in the front yard, but I haven't seen them like before. I just saw an oppossum down by neughbors that have 34 chickens. They have never lost one to a predator except one time, when they left one of the chickens out over night. They also don't have a super secure run and a tree that is part of the run they do have. Technically I don't understand how they haven't lost any during the day with that tree.
Actually it's rare for an oppossum to carry rabies because of their body temp.

I see raccoons and oppossums almost daily. I used to see skunks all the time--they used to play in the front yard, but I haven't seen them like before. I just saw an oppossum down by neughbors that have 34 chickens. They have never lost one to a predator except one time, when they left one of the chickens out over night. They also don't have a super secure run and a tree that is part of the run they do have. Technically I don't understand how they haven't lost any during the day with that tree.
It'd be just my luck to run across that one rare possum.
I have a huge Maple in one run myself. I'd have taken it out if not for the shade. Never had anything but a few tree rats use it to get in, 'til a hawk got brave & killed one of my hens at the gate to the coop. Wasn't long stringing netting over both runs after that.
I had a possum get my chickens one night, so I got a live animal trap, and I have caught 7 possums and 12 house cats. They all have a new area code. I would have shot the possums but my 454 casull pistol is a little loud for the neighbors. That possum will be back until you eliminate it, and where there is one there is more. I dropped mine off at the local archery range. They have a lot of woods around them.
Hey now, be nice.
That was nice compared to what I was gonna say about someone who enjoys torturing small animals by setting them on fire. If you're gonna kill a predator, do it quickly and don't take joy in it. There is no need to set a predator on fire so it suffers, they are just doing what they are made to do in order to survive.
That was nice compared to what I was gonna say about someone who enjoys torturing small animals by setting them on fire. If you're gonna kill a predator, do it quickly and don't take joy in it. There is no need to set a predator on fire so it suffers, they are just doing what they are made to do in order to survive.
And this could have been said instead of the previous comment.

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