I already know its too soon to tell šŸ¤£


Nov 23, 2020
I have done some research and came to realize that it is too hard to determine if a 3.5 week old laced wyandotte is indeed a pullet or a roo...but....

I'm gunna show you the pictures of them anyway and we will see what transpires. For any of my Christian members out there, I'm literally praying over these chicks saying, "Jesus, please make them pullets" haha. Someone in the neighborhood already has a rooster that crows allllll the time...I dont think the neighbors would tolerate another one that is not really supposed to be there in the first place lol. As a new chicken mama I had ZERO clue that I might end up with a rooster! I wish they would have a sign that says only buy if you are willing to deal with having/rehoming/butchering a potential cockrel/rooster.


I have Calamity Jane who is the tallest and biggest. She/he likes to plop down all the time and just rest a spell. They are the most submissive of the 3 and also my only true silver I think. They are clumsy and struggled with flapping up onto ledges compared to the others. No serious comb or waddle development and everything is all still kinda yellow. I dont have a great picture of this one but will try to get one. Curious to know if the resting/plopping and other behaviors are more pullet indicators?

Then there is Annie Oakley. She is curious and agile. She is the only one with a little comb. It is still very yellow and not growing at a super fast rate. She had a teeny tiny one at just 1 week....no waddles. She is a bit more dominate and pals around with Pearl Hart (up next). She is the smallest of the 3 and seems to be the most responsive to calling her to me. Here is Annie..




Then there is Peale Hart....the alpha chicken lol. She pecks at the others sometimes and runs around with Annie. She seems to be nearly as big as Calamity. Her legs might be a little thicker...hard to say cause they all seem like they have similar thickness to their legs. She seems to be getting a faint rose/peach color to her comb area but no hanging waddles. She loves to jump up on a ledge and give me a look over. She is all over the place so the pics are few and far between.




Let me know what everyone thinks. Bday is 10/28/20
I have done some research and came to realize that it is too hard to determine if a 3.5 week old laced wyandotte is indeed a pullet or a roo...but....

I'm gunna show you the pictures of them anyway and we will see what transpires. For any of my Christian members out there, I'm literally praying over these chicks saying, "Jesus, please make them pullets" haha. Someone in the neighborhood already has a rooster that crows allllll the time...I dont think the neighbors would tolerate another one that is not really supposed to be there in the first place lol. As a new chicken mama I had ZERO clue that I might end up with a rooster! I wish they would have a sign that says only buy if you are willing to deal with having/rehoming/butchering a potential cockrel/rooster.


I have Calamity Jane who is the tallest and biggest. She/he likes to plop down all the time and just rest a spell. They are the most submissive of the 3 and also my only true silver I think. They are clumsy and struggled with flapping up onto ledges compared to the others. No serious comb or waddle development and everything is all still kinda yellow. I dont have a great picture of this one but will try to get one. Curious to know if the resting/plopping and other behaviors are more pullet indicators?

Then there is Annie Oakley. She is curious and agile. She is the only one with a little comb. It is still very yellow and not growing at a super fast rate. She had a teeny tiny one at just 1 week....no waddles. She is a bit more dominate and pals around with Pearl Hart (up next). She is the smallest of the 3 and seems to be the most responsive to calling her to me. Here is Annie..

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Then there is Peale Hart....the alpha chicken lol. She pecks at the others sometimes and runs around with Annie. She seems to be nearly as big as Calamity. Her legs might be a little thicker...hard to say cause they all seem like they have similar thickness to their legs. She seems to be getting a faint rose/peach color to her comb area but no hanging waddles. She loves to jump up on a ledge and give me a look over. She is all over the place so the pics are few and far between.

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Let me know what everyone thinks. Bday is 10/28/20
I pray that you have all beautiful hens.
If for some reason you get a rooster, it was meant to be. LOL Maybe you can make him an indoor rooster.
But...an indoor roo is different than a LONE indoor roo.
If he doesn't have a flock, he doesn't know what he's missing.
If he knows about the life he's missing...
He'll be miserable.

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