I am a Chicken Tender


May 18, 2015
Northeast Colorado

Last spring my kids saw the chicks at the local hardware store. I actually took them there for that purpose. They are fun to look at. But in reality, it was "mom can we get chickens" and since we just bought s house in a ritual type town they let you have up to six hens and one rooster with the right permit. I told
My kids to ask the homeowner (my fiancée) thinking he would say no. But what does he say, "I love fresh eggs, we should get chickens."

Stacie is our temperamental standoffish slightly b$@&$y Amauricana, Savanah is the Rhode Island Red - damsel in distress circa Scarlet O'Harr come to mind, Skylar is a Barred Rock and the most fearless and bold and smallest of the flock and Sabine is our Black Sexlink / she is the smart one who has no idea she is also beautiful. They are like pre-teenage sisters. They all once fought off some predator to save Savannah - before the permanent coop could be secured. Sabine and Savannah both showed up within the day a little worn and Savannah missing some tail feather but they lived. Haven't had too many attempts at their coop since. :). Only sisters can be so different, bicker so much with each other and yet still go to bat for each other in life or death.
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a nice mix of breeds. Black Sex Links are my personal favorites as they are very friendly and hardy egg laying machines that will consistently churn out more than 300 large brown eggs per hen per year. Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at https://www.backyardchickens.com/atype/1/Learning_Center. There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I found BYC when nowhere else on the Internet seemed to be able to tell me why my chick was sick - that it had pasty butt! then I came to be am ember when I needed information and for help on building a backyard Coop for cold weather that we have in Colorado in winter and the hot whether we get in the summer.

Raising chickens is a challenge because I am afraid I am not doing it right. Lol. They talk to me as much as I to them tho and I think I am getting the hang of it. The kids needed a reason to get excited about "outside" and to learn about (relatively low-maintenance) loving and caring for living creatures. Plus now they are my excuse to dip out of social scenes when I get tired of the hoopla!
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I found BYC when nowhere else on the Internet seemed to be able to tell me why my chick was sick - that it had pasty butt! then I came to be am ember when I needed information and for help on building a backyard Coop for cold weather that we have in Colorado in winter and the hot whether we get in the summer.

Raising chickens is a challenge because I am afraid I am not doing it right. Lol. They talk to me as much as I to them tho and I think I am getting the hang of it. The kids needed a reason to get excited about "outside" and to learn about (relatively low-maintenance) loving and caring for living creatures. Plus now they are my excuse to dip out of social scenes when I get tired of the hoopla!
Welcome to BYC! Glad you joined the flock. Chickens is one of those animals that small children can handle and most of the time you don't need a farm for a small flock. Also I don't think children would be allergic to a chicken. I've just never heard of a chicken allergy. Egg allergy yes but even then most people with an egg allergy can usually have duck eggs. Also if you can find a 4-H group they can show poultry. I show peafowl through FFA. I showed poultry in 4-H too but now I'm in FFA and soon I can't do youth shows since I'm a senior this is my last year.

Thanks for an enjoyable introduction, liked the pictures too. Raising poultry is a great hobby for the entire family and the eggs are nice too!

Feel free to ask questions, jump in on discussions or just share stories & photos of your flock.

It's nice to have you here!

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