I am a total idiot!

Florida chick

12 Years
Jan 19, 2008
OK a momma Peahen got out on me last month I KNEW she must have made a nest I fed her almost everyday... TONIGHT she showed up with 8 Peachicks.... I grab her and she clawed the snot out of me.. I put her in a cage and the peachicks ran whistling into the woods. UGHHH I caught 2 the rest are lost in the deep thicket. We live in FL.
SO I waited 2 hrs still couldn't find any even with momma calling to them. SO I LET HER GO! I kept the 2 chicks and successfully gave them to a momma hen.
:mad: I am so MAD at myself! I thick I just made a HUGE mistake by maybe losing a gorgeous Peahen, trying to save a few Peachicks. OH MAN I am just sitting her crying. Any ideas???
Oh jeesh! I know nothing about peahens...but I sure hope she comes back.....give her a few days....maybe the 2 babies calling will get her to come home. Good luck. And so sorry you were clawed....ouchy!!
I was going to suggest setting the mother in a cage and letting her call to her babies...But I finished reading your post and you said you let her go....

Do you have the male around still??? Maybe he will call her and the babies home???
Or possibly just keep setting food out like normal. Give her a few days then maybe some kind of cage that you can trap her and the babies into....

Hope she comes home...
Best of Luck
I caught 4 more but I am afraid I either miscounted or 2 got taken or lost lastnite... They are so stinking cute!~ All have the Pea eyeliner.

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