It has taken me 3 years of building my breeders up and I have finally done it. Several thousand in birds along ive done it. Here is the list and please dont think im toooooooo nuts...
Light Brahma 2 roo 10 hens
Black copper marans 2 roo 10 hens
Silver pheasants 1 pair
Ring neck pheasants 1 cock 4 hens
silver laced wyandottes 2 roo 6 hens
Asils 1 pair
call ducks pair chocolate, pair apricot
quail old english bantams 1 roo 10 hens
Blue laced red wyandotte 2 roo 10 hens
Barred rocks 1 roo 10 hens
partridge cochins (giant) 3 roo 10 hens
lavender guineas 1 trio
pearl guineas 2 male 6 female
red pyle cubalaya 1 roo 4 hens
trio pygmy goats
1 boer goat and 2 kiko goats (good size and milkers)
2 male rex rabbits and 2 females
1 pair lionhead rabbits
1 pair lops
grey japs 1 roo 4 hens
black jap 1 roo 5 hens
buff brahma 1 roo 5 hens
partridge wyandotte bantams 1 roo 4 hens
wheaten marans 4 roos and 12 hens
black marans 10 started birds
splash marans 3 roos 10 hens
white marans 2 roo 2 hens
self blue cochin bantams 20 started chicks
black crested white polish started 25 started chicks
white crested blue polish standard 25 started chicks
19 gambel quail
4 parakeets
10 dwarf hamsters
WHEW...I am so proud of what my wife and I have done and wouldnt change a thing but I think this is all we can handle at this point! So now you think im crazy what you think of this list?
Light Brahma 2 roo 10 hens
Black copper marans 2 roo 10 hens
Silver pheasants 1 pair
Ring neck pheasants 1 cock 4 hens
silver laced wyandottes 2 roo 6 hens
Asils 1 pair
call ducks pair chocolate, pair apricot
quail old english bantams 1 roo 10 hens
Blue laced red wyandotte 2 roo 10 hens
Barred rocks 1 roo 10 hens
partridge cochins (giant) 3 roo 10 hens
lavender guineas 1 trio
pearl guineas 2 male 6 female
red pyle cubalaya 1 roo 4 hens
trio pygmy goats
1 boer goat and 2 kiko goats (good size and milkers)
2 male rex rabbits and 2 females
1 pair lionhead rabbits
1 pair lops
grey japs 1 roo 4 hens
black jap 1 roo 5 hens
buff brahma 1 roo 5 hens
partridge wyandotte bantams 1 roo 4 hens
wheaten marans 4 roos and 12 hens
black marans 10 started birds
splash marans 3 roos 10 hens
white marans 2 roo 2 hens
self blue cochin bantams 20 started chicks
black crested white polish started 25 started chicks
white crested blue polish standard 25 started chicks
19 gambel quail
4 parakeets
10 dwarf hamsters
WHEW...I am so proud of what my wife and I have done and wouldnt change a thing but I think this is all we can handle at this point! So now you think im crazy what you think of this list?