I am getting call ducks...

I bought Call duck eggs a little over a month ago. I hatched out 3 ducklings, 2 eggs were infertile and one was a quitter. But I met the woman who sold me the eggs and went to her house in NY when I was there visiting. She has over 100 Calls! Her Calls are laying and she gave me 2 dozen eggs free and I bought 4 ducklings from her.

I had a great hatch rate when I hatched the eggs from her and I'm hoping to have a great hatch rate this time. I think I found the way to do it after many unsuccessful attempts in the past.

Thank goodness I took my Call ducklings to NY with me because they would have been casualties of my irresponsible caretakers too, I'm sure. Right now I have some very healthy wonderful Call duck babies in my brooder that I absolutely adore. I have a white, a snowy, 2 greys, either a magpie or a bibbed and one I'm not sure of.

I also have 2 adult white females that are almost a year old! I love love love Call ducks!!

I got my trio in the summer and have very few complaints. Unfortunately, they aren't as social as I would have liked, but that is the worst I have to say about them. Calls are very enjoyable and tiny. They're quite loud though, as previously mentioned by others, and I can hear them from inside my house. Only the females are loud. The males don't make much of a noise above a whispery-rasp and from what I've heard, the breed is fairly friendly as a whole.

Eggs are small and are supposed to give off a green/bluish tint (mine are too young to lay eggs). As said before, higher quality Calls are smaller than lesser quality ones and have a harder time pipping their shell. The better quality ones have shorter-stubby bills, and that makes it hard for them to break out.

Calls fly very well, too. They can be pretty high in the air and sustain being air-bound for a few seconds. They also love swimming. Minus their size, they're very much like many other breeds of duck.
The woman that I just got the two dozen eggs from and bought ducklings from has her Calls in a barn. She opens the doors in the morning and the ducks fly out onto the pond. When she whistles for them, they fly back to the barn. I didn't believe her so she showed me. It was amazing! They go back to the barn and pair up or trio up with their partners in the barn.

I was so upset with myself because I forgot to bring my camera with me when I went!

They are.
You can clip wings, but I find it un-necessary. I'd feel better if they had at least a little protection, as they aren't always locked in the chicken run. Also they're a blast to see flying around.

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