I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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I'm a 'stay at home' JANE who lives within her means...does that count?
I'm Joe the frozen P/T gardener, now at home because no gardeners work after killing frosts! That describes what I do (or don't do); who I am is Joe the Procrastinator, so excuse me while I drag myself away from BYC to do mounds of dishes...I'm also Joe the Dishwasher!
Christopher - I am not sure this was meant to be a political thingy... Since Joe the Plumber was popular on both ends. Sure looks like it's going that way.
I'm Joe the stock broker. It doesn't add up. How can you reduce the taxes for 95% of the population when only 60% pay taxes. This "redistribution of the wealth" sounds like fuzzy math to me.
My DH is Joe the retired and living on SSA and wondering what will happen to us as middle class is now defined as a quarter mil a year>what is the poverty level supposed to be.i would dearly love to be in that quarter mil a year middle class family. Every one I have talked to seem to wonder where the middle class starts and ends.
I am joe the brickmason,chicken farmer,beef farmer and i work hard and i dont want to spread the welth with anybody who CAN work but is to sorry to,just my 2 cents.
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