I am "Joe the Plumber" are U?

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Just a friendly reminder looking back on past politically charged threads.

As always, as long as this stays civil and keeps to the rules it will stay open. The rules will be enforced faster in this thread and we will be watching.

I get the Joe the Plumber thing - I'm not sure if I'd say I am. My DH and I both work full time and work hard to make a good life. Sometimes it's tuff to make ends meet and sometimes it's a little easier. I feel like those who get out and try to make something of themselves and do the best they can whether they make $12,000 or $1.2 mil should not be made to pay for those who choose not to try.
No Joe the Plumbers here. Both DH and I are currently licensed/certified in our fields; he is a small business owner who doesn't make anywhere near 6 figures and probably won't for many more years, I'm an overeducated scientist. We both pay our taxes regularly, too. Nor does anyone, anywhere in the political system, seem to care about either of us enough to shake our hands at a rally, let alone mention us on TV.

Guess I am cool with that, all things considered. After all, I'm sure Joe didn't expect the media storm that promptly smeared his personal issues all over YouTube.
This i think i agree with..its not rich peoples fault they make more money than us...why are we their responsibility?..
..THAT BEING SAID.... the government DOES need to help out us middle class more...How?..i have no clue...
..but something needs to be done for those of us struggling....

edited to add: just to clarify... i am not referring to people that wont work needing help....i meant all of us that work hard everyday and still cant get a break..
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